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Success is accompanied by a happy child

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Success is accompanied by a happy child

Remember, please, once and for all: success is accompanied by a happy child . And how can we make him happy? Of course, first of all with his love. I want to cite as an example of my husband's grandmother Gavrila. This amazing woman named Anna Fedotovna. She is now 84 years old, but it is in excellent physical and psychological condition (ugh, ugh!). Moreover, she is still watching over her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She is mother of 7 sons and 3 daughters, grandmother and great-grandmother preizryadnogo number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her children are recognized in one voice that they do not deserve it, figuratively speaking, and one of her fingers. Children and grandchildren adore Anna Fedotovna. Her children recall with gratitude that her mother, did not use physical punishment, never used the hard-hitting words, has managed to cultivate each child MAN.

I still wonder how in the early years in rural conditions grandmother Anna was able to not just give birth and bring up, but wisely and educate a whole horde of little kids. The most important thing: BRING THEM WITH LOVE. To do this, one must possess an extraordinary power of the spirit! After all, every child - with its own character, with his energy. But these days, unfortunately, many parents can not bestow love even one child! Moreover, they deliberately disfigure the psyche of children.

Certainly, love of children must be sound, if I may say so, Grant. The relationship between parents and children should not enter into any contractual framework prudent "I told you - you tell me." Your love should not be selfish when you're always trying to bind a child to her skirt, not wanting to let him go. More precisely, it is impossible to love a child just because he is life must go only to the path you have chosen for him, listening only to you when choosing a future husband, to continue your business, every call you because you gave him so much strength and time, love and attention, money and trouble ... Again, this is from the over-idealization. You should be thankful to the universe only for the happy fact that the child is in the process of reincarnation has chosen you as a parent. Love and appreciate them just for what they are.
Love Child

My God, how just heard these two words: LOVE CHILD! But how often they are not enforced. I have to watch the families where the parents are satisfied with showing off in front of others, each time playing the show under the loud name "My ideal family." As soon as the curtain falls, the wings begin nervous breakdowns, swearing, name calling, humiliation, injury, in general dislike for the elementary children. Do this for the sake of God created the family? Dear Parents, understand that if you're here and it's not going to love the child, forever destroy the fragile and priceless aura of children love you. This aura of love, this touching blood ties "child - a parent" is destroyed gradually, at a deep subconscious.

Of course, exceptions to the rule are always. And happy is the parent, whose children, as adults, like Jane Eyre, forgive all the bullying and insults. Even in this case, the child can kiss, congratulate, once a month to call, but you'll be someone else! For example, we know that Oprah Winfrey is now not talking to her mother because she abused her in childhood. Another instructive example - Angelina Jolie's relationship with his father actor Jon Voight. Angelina could not forgive his father rude remarks in the press about the rejection of an immoral, in his view, the act's daughter who adopted orphan boy from the backwoods, from a village in Cambodia, especially not their nationality. "I think that people should do as he comfortably. And I'm not going to come to terms with his father, "- said Angelina press in response to the pleas of his father back to him. We have no moral right to condemn someone, a situation similar to another. Let it sounds nepedagogichno - I do not call myself a teacher, but let me say that you can understand the reaction of Angelina.

My words were confirmed by Louise Hay answer readers, complaining to her oppressive mother, constantly trying to control her daughter: "When elderly people complain that their children push away, they forget that they themselves initiate such situations. Parents who say their children "do not do so then do not say this or that, do not think of something," destroys the foundations of communication. Parents, suppressing and controlling their children, who are trying to keep it up after the child became an adult, also erect barriers to mutual love. You are not responsible for the choices in life is your mother. You are responsible for your choice. The presence of powerful parent leads to the presence of the same spouse. You are a fine fellow, that had gone from both. It may happen that you will never get close to her, and it's not your fault. Drop the guilt. "

Let me repeat once again. Because it is very important. Love of children from conception to the last breath. Love them good and bad, small and large, slender and plump, Movers and Losers, healthy and sick. ALWAYS. It's yours, my God, your child. Do not forget, success is accompanied by a happy child!

I take my hat off to those strong mothers, lovers, even terminally ill children, from which they are still in the hospital recommended that the refuse. For example, I adore the singer Lolita act without giving his daughter in defiance of doctors in one voice calling her to abandon her terminally ill girl. And how much courage shown by Napoleon Hill and his wife first saw the newborn son without his ears. They refuted the view of doctors that their son is doomed to a lifelong deafness and dumbness. Hill said to himself: "My son would hear and speak." He remembered the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The world is such that teaches faith. And we must obey and to live its own destiny and hard to wait through the years and the loss when the Lord of people to speak with you. " Hill believed that he could charge the son of a desire to hear what nature would have to go to meet him. And - lo! - His father's wish was fulfilled, his son began to hear.

Do you understand what miracles can create a love for children? If you now destroy this delicate and fragile mutual love of a child, he unconsciously alienate you forever and never allow to intrude into their lives. Then, being elderly, you will regret for what he did, but it's too late. Comparison is not entirely successful, but to me, a biologist "retired", it looks like an irreversible protein denaturation. When the egg was raw, it had a single structure, and when cooked - has become another. This process is irreversible. Do you understand? I hope my words will be heard by you. Learn, and once again learn to love children.
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