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Suicidal motives on the basis of unrequited love

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Suicidal motives on the basis of unrequited love

Classic literature has taught us to believe that dying for love - this is normal. And death "of a broken heart" - it's even romantic! And you have already attended these "funny" thoughts? Probably, any girl, parting with her beloved, ever let a thought: "Life is over. Nothing good, I never will! How to live? What for? I can not stand it! It is better to leave beautiful than endure this! "
My friend Lisa really was trying to commit suicide after being dumped her fiance on the eve of the wedding. Lisa all well thought out and planned. Die - it's art! Must die beautifully. Lisa stocked sleeping pills. Amounted to a handwritten will. Composed a witty suicide note in the style of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath! Fortunately, the time realized that she absolutely did not die for anything. I had to go shopping and buy doroguschy dress by Versace and shoes to match.

Returning home, Lisa zatoskovala. Die without showing elegant designer dress all his friends seemed to Lisa blasphemy and a blatant disrespect for Versace! Had to go to a nightclub. The party was held at the "Hurrah!" The dress was a success. Here it would be and to fulfill their sinister plans of suicide, but it was too late! Lisa at a party given phone cute financier and now does not want to die without knowing, he will call her or not. Financier rang. Now the suicide had to be postponed for another week. We must in fact be recognized, as will be meeting with prospective Knight. Date was perfect. Lisa broke up a suicide note. What we want you! In any case, such cases are not solved in a hurry! As they say, to kill herself you always have time. Postpone the final conclusion for at least six months ...

As well are encouraged not to stage a suicide in order to induce the former sense of guilt and a desire to return. Firstly, do you really want to see you and I live only out of guilt? Secondly, hysterical, no suicide took place - not the most attractive girls category. And finally, thirdly, think not only about their reputation (which greatly undermine any suicidal stupidity), but also about their safety: and suddenly do not have time to pump? So do not commit reckless acts. Remember, life is beautiful and too valuable to throw it! Believe me, suicidal motives on the basis of unrequited love - the prerogative of classical literature and the Mexican TV series, not your life!

Masochism fight!

Do you love when you beat? Insult? Hurt? Do you hurt? No? Excellent! In this case you do not masochist. And if you do not masochist, you do not torture yourself after you broke up! Scientists still have not found an explanation for this phenomenon! Well why most sensible girls who are accustomed to take care of themselves after the break turned into victims of their own cruelty? Most of the previous rules telling you about what can and should do after the break. This rule about what to do in any case it is impossible!

Not harassing a fantasy on the theme, is now your ex and with whom? You only spoil your mood. A nerve cells are known to not be restored! Enough to imagine his new girl or girls. And it is particularly important to stop the work of imagination in the intimate area. Enough to think about with whom he is now engaged in sex, and how. Better to imagine who and how you yourself you want to do sex very soon. For fantasy suit anyone, from Dima Bilan to George Clooney! Just not your ex!

Parting often awakens in girls hidden detective talent. Who would have thought that you doze such brilliant spy powers? Maybe it's time to change profession? No? Well, then leave all the spy habits for American fighters and do not try to track down his unfortunate Aix on the way home! Do not take it "under the hood". Do not try to hack his e mail. Do not try to make friends with his new girlfriend. Do not break into the apartment without calling, trying to catch it is not clear on anything. What do you give all this rigmarole? He now has its own life, and you, by the way, too! So enjoy it. A former left alone. In the end, everyone should have the right to what that personal space. Respect it should be!

Disappear, because the music

When the forces at the end, when despair overwhelms you a new wave, and the tears were rolling from my eyes, there is only one option: to urgently change the boring scenery! If you already decided to seriously suffer from a broken heart, choose a stylish backdrop for his amorous tragedy! Pakuy things. You gotta change the situation! Fly to week end in Paris or some some fabulous place. You can get a burning permit or a shop tour. What is important is not the price of travel or the number of stars hotel where you're going to stop, but the fact of travel, the atmosphere of adventure, the adventure! Believe me, a nervous breakdown on the Champs Elysees, or anywhere in the Cote d'Azur - it's very glamorous. When old, can tell his grandchildren how to go crazy with grief against the backdrop of Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower.

It is true, experience shows that the change of the usual situation in most cases, operates so efficiently, that very few people want to suffer in the beautiful unknown country. Abroad, time flies. So much to see so many places you want to visit, so many impressions have to digest that old feelings fade under the pressure of the medley and variety of new sensations. New city, new friends, new dishes replacing the memory of old sorrows. My former teacher Hope all obtained a divorce money spent on a trip to California.

- It suddenly seemed that through such a tragedy I can only against the backdrop of the Hollywood hills - she said cheerfully, - besides, I've never seen the ocean!

Hope now admires the ocean every morning, because he lived almost on the West Coast. One trip marked the beginning of the novel with a beautiful, happy American who has now become her lawful husband. The conclusion is simple: you can suffer! But just beautiful! Otherwise, what? In any case, the suffering must end with a happy end'om! This is an indispensable condition. Some parting cause is so fabulous and dazzling events that became the envy of all his friends! Try to be one of those lucky!
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