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Surround the child good books

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Surround the child good books

The richness of language, intelligence and creativity can open up just by reading good books. In this context, the word "good" somehow dissolves, because to say "good book" - to say nothing. Great book may forever change a person's life. This I certify their example! It is my deep conviction. I am very happy that it is now fashionable to write and read, and immensely happy that in bookstores provincial town can find a decent book. After just a few years ago, I half-days and more was lost in book shelves in Moscow, "Biblio-Globus", because it knew exactly what these masterpieces of the classics or works of my spiritual teachers I hardly I will seek to own Yakutsk.

In this regard, I am very lucky. I was born into a family of teachers, in our house was a rich library. I kept my school years did not know that other children are walking in the yard late and communicate with profanity. Me and the parents have made the remark at the school when I was in first class from the place chanting that was going to explain to the teacher, because I already passed it in 4-5 years. The school gates I first stepped into the age of six and, incidentally, was always the youngest in age and in school and at university. Thanks to the parents I have trained for high literature.

Hand on heart, I confess that my young soul is not very much welcomed the compulsive and compulsory shtudirovanie a thick volumes of Tolstoy's War and Peace "," Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky, etc. I will not prevaricate and honestly say that, for example, in "War and Peace" I missed a military subjects, but with gusto reread the pages devoted to love, refined and inspired Natasha to Boris Drubetskoy, Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky ... Yes, I do not argue, "War and Peace" - is a great classic, but for me in school time were not well understood philosophical, social, moral, and political problems of that distant era. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me to write essays on these works of genius may be, only those under the age of fourteen years, think in terms of those same classics. Do you agree with me?
Should not give up those children who have intellectual tastes are not transmitted from mother's milk. It is basically if the person himself does not take their own education, he none of this education will not. The question is, what books will read your child. After all the time - this is the most precious currency in each of our lives. It is therefore crucial to sort the books on "good" and "bad." Surround the child's good books! " There is much debate about how useful or harmful to children "garripotteromaniya. It is hotly debated in various television shows and in magazines. For example, my kids just do not tear away from watching any series, "Harry Potter"! Moral and ethical standards of the book in general, reduce to known and useful subject of the victory of good over evil. This certainly affects the consciousness and subconsciousness of the future magician only positively.

Reading the classics

But from reading all kinds of romance novels or bloody, aggressive fighters, I believe, is to give girls and boys. I think it is not necessary to explain that such books are in no way can enrich any intelligence, nor the child's soul. They are deservedly called chewing gum for the mind. Therefore suggest to children that they can not swallow a half hour, then, where every word must ponder, to find meaning between the lines. In this regard, there is nothing better and more useful to read the classics. After all, other than intellectual food, enriched vocabulary, and consequently, the child's speech will be perfect. And if a child is a child learns to talk and think is beautiful, believe, from this it will provide many benefits in adult life.

Above, I noticed that it is now fashionable to read and write. But I did not say on the flip side, that, unfortunately, are only a few of the vast number of contemporary books charged us with positive energy, enrich the spiritual, are taught how to become rich and happy. What do you think, why is this happening? And because their authors are mostly unhappy and unlucky. Do you understand? Therefore, the books, their creative children, also born negative. In one of his books I have already quoted the example of abstract paintings, written by the great Picasso. Remember the woman in the chair? This is the area of Feng Shui. When the picture painted in oil, an artist puts into it its energy, and she brings it to your home, therefore, in your life.

How exactly Jiddu Krishnamurti said: "The relationship - it's a mirror in which we see ourselves as who we are. All life - a movement in the relationship. On earth there is no living creature that would not be associated with something or someone. Even a hermit, a man who removed a solitary place, connected with the past is connected with those around him. There is no possibility of avoiding relationships. In those of them who are the mirror of ourselves, we can discover who we are, what our reactions, prejudices, fears, depression, trouble, loneliness, pain and grief. We can well understand, like we, or such a thing as love does not exist. So we investigate the question of relations, because they are the basis of love. "

Therefore, we, the parents must be extremely important, what the thought is that the book that a child holds in his hands. I like the ascetics of positive thinking, fervently urge you to instill your child love of books dedicated to personal growth, positive thinking, to biographies of prominent people who have achieved success in business, sports, science, politics, art, etc. Reading these books really stimulates the imagination of the child and keep him striving to reach higher in life. After all, if it could make them, then we can. Is not it?

Each book is a useful, thoughtful read a child, helping him learn about the world through the success and positive, inspiring and inspires. He opens a window into the unknown and mysterious world, seen through the eyes of the author. By the way, have you noticed that the screen adaptation of certain products necessarily distort the story, or some idea of the author? Therefore, the book and once again the book gives the child real food for the imagination, allowing you to read between the lines, to distinguish a semitone, and thinking the stories and the pictures described by the author.

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