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System bypass consciousness

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System bypass consciousness (COC)

" system bypass consciousness "is good in applications where inappropriate to flirt and behave too frivolously, for example in a club at work. These are places where you have a reputation, where there are people with whom you hang out every day, and you might be uncomfortable if you crawl around the rumors about your too unrestrained behavior ... " The system of bypass consciousness "is so veiled that it works within the traditions beliefs, laws and concepts of the layer of society where you are every day, where you work or learn.

Technique the system does not run counter to the rules of decency and human behavior. Therefore, it has huge advantages. No man can accuse you of flirting or seduction, if you do everything right in this system. From the outside it looks like this: you communicate with the object of your addictions: how to get to the library, how to transfer money to and she wants you, likes you, you bring it. And she does not understand what was happening, but she likes it! How to do it quickly - without psychology, and some sort of magical knowledge? It's easy and affordable for every person!

Why the standard approach fails?
Men and women love to show their intentions. Yes, it's natural if you want to meet the person, and it is only natural that you want to relationships, sex, love him. And when you show it, you're doing right. If you do it with confidence, everything is absolutely true. This is what we have said in the beginning of the book. This is one approach. But there is - your choice - and another, which its own advantages.

Consider the standard approach of men to women. A man approaches, begins to talk to a woman. Then he takes the conversation in a sexual direction, to excite her, and she says: "I'm not the same I'm waiting for the tram!" Why? " It turns out that counter-productive to be honest, show your desire? Answer: NO! One day, my friend, Dima, told me about how he communicated with the girl at home. She liked him, he liked her. And in a conversation she heard from him sexual vulgarity. Freeze it, was a strange. Told him: "You do not respect me?" He said: "I respect, but I will not drink." And again she asked seriously: "Why are you so then talk to me like a whore!"

Why this happens?

Why do we push for our natural desires? Show that you want to be with someone that you want sex and relationships, that is correct. Do what you want - right! But you can add another trick that will change the outcome of many stories in your life. In psychology, ethology is believed that the impact on the psyche is divided into inner and outer. But, somewhat simplified, so to speak: the formation of the unconscious laws, instincts, affects the mechanisms of sensory nature, that is, the evolution over millions of years. On the formation of conscious beliefs, attitudes, rules of behavior affects society - TV, people, books, etc.

When you talk about sex or relationships, wanting to provoke desire for sex and relationship with another person, you can run into his conscious views about how it should be. How to make ever opinion - yours and it - not experienced, but your feelings were developing. How to behave, to the girl wants to be with you and would like to you? Or formulate the question differently: what do you in any case no need to do to have sex with a girl?

So here is my answer: it certainly does not need to fuck with her brain. Saying psychologists NLPistov, they often look in his inner circle: "First fuck the brain, then the body" - I have no respect, I consider it a low and disrespectful, not only in relation to the girl, but also to himself. You are a man and not sink to the level of a psychologist, you're better. Understand the truth: you are for girls - on the other. Thou shalt not discuss her problems with it, especially with other guys. Thou shalt not "cure" her. You - a decent free agent, you're above it all.

"Knowingly associated with sex" - a black box. We never know what is there and what is not there. This is a job for a psychologist, and seduction we do not need at this steam. Psychologists, among other things - the most ridiculous seducers, they always talk about the problems of human and treat them. Remember: you do not need to change the girl to sleep with her. Take women for what they are. And they will be with you well! If a girl climbs out of any delusion about the seriousness of the relationship, a desire deep feelings, can you show that you are comfortable the first time - be smarter, stole it in a way that she was ready for anything. Suppose she believes that sex can be engaged only at the 10 th date.

What is a "bypass consciousness"?

The basic idea of SOS - instead of having to deal with fears and complexes about sex, beliefs, society, figuring that, you can drown in a swamp, you need to stop sweating. Not impinge upon the domain of consciousness, associated with sex, but to circumvent it. And then the forces on the object ohmurenie need is several times smaller. Because you are not going to meet resistance. Remember the man in her life, which could be considered the favorite.

What is it? He was - another. He was out of it. You communicate on another level. Nobody, except you do not understand each other so well. You communicate at the level of feelings and emotions than on the level of logic, and this person will never talk of the "ladies - I will not give." Often, when a girl falls in love, she says: "This man is not like everybody else, it - unusual. He, of course, you bastard last, but I love him. " Did you hear that?

We bypass the conscious systems, beliefs and fears of sex and relationships. First rule: never speak about the possibility of sex and relationships. As soon as a conversation about it, start to come out from somewhere unexpected "cockroaches". And then the man starts crying shoulder. Why do you need? If the man himself calls you on the conversation at the stage of dating, you should block this topic or to show that it is not interesting to you. You must act and not to sympathize with: "You want to talk about this?"

Second rule: speak on abstract themes. You should talk to a girl about anything, just not about sex and relationships. Chatter about politics, sports, movement of global capital. This is a topic that you can touch anywhere, anytime, that is very normal conversation.

My friend has only one style of seducing young girls. When it comes to the girl who sits on the bench in the park, and starts talking to her just as a stranger about what the weather will be tomorrow and what better to wear it especially smoothly and is excited that he was comfortable with her that he is with her engaged in sex. His facial expression is terribly amusing. The girl herself is excited, although she speaks to him is not about sex, not about feelings. And she begins to think that is excited by his wild sexuality. She thinks he's terribly sexy. Why?

Those gestures that he does when he calls this state, create a sense of sexuality. I called them conditionally SOS signals. This signals that excite in the unconscious realms of human thought about sex. They need to show, because the words to explain them is difficult, but I'll try to explain their principle of operation as understandable. These are the micromotion and gestures that you make during sex. For example, grab the chest girl pulls her nipples, tickle or priobnimaesh her waist, etc.

When you embed these gestures in normal communication on any topic not related to sex, conscious, just related to sex, is relaxed, the protection of women, its criticality of trying to filter out the weak males, strong. After all, it is not needed, and these SOS signals to penetrate directly into the unconscious, associated with sex, with the instinct of reproduction, bypassing the barriers of the criticality of the girl. She does not understand why it wants you.
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