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TOP 6 errors of single women

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TOP 6 errors of single women
How long have you given up on life, love, men. Is it possible today to find a decent man, who can be trusted? Fear of being weak forces to demonstrate their independence, self-sufficiency and independence. But in my heart still does not die hope of finding her prince. And after all is only to look around - the world's six billion men the right age. Is among such a variety to be found worthy?

Such as you - just ideal: smart, successful, beautiful, confident. Crowds besieged impregnable "fortress", which all can not find a perfect companion. Maybe that's not the men, and you most? Maybe you just do not give men a chance?

All around are married or unmarried. Even the best girlfriend Lena - a small, plump with curved legs are married and happy in their family lives. A Svetka, which always cranky, loyal husband constantly meets with the work. And you are such a beautiful, educated, sexy still one. And the time is coming - that's really 30 (or 35 ...) years on the nose. And freedom, conquered with so much difficulty, it becomes a burden. I'm tired of repetitive visits, endless flirtation that does not lead to anything concrete. Want stability and confidence in the future. Only here with whom to create this stability? And determine for yourself why you would want to marry - want stability or sick relatives hints? If you are really ready for marriage, should identify and eliminate those causes which hinder the creation of your family harmony.

So, consider the following six basic mistakes that single women. Maybe you can avoid any of these errors, and therefore can not find a soul mate.

Try to answer the question, why can not you create a family. If the answer is about such a plan, "I do not see a decent, all have some shortcomings." No, you certainly have fans, fleeting romances, but none of your partners is not suitable for a happy family life. One - a wonderful lover, but nothing else is not capable, the second a clever, but the poor, the third ... However, you already understand what we say.

It is possible that you are just too overpriced strap. Assuming that all free men ... are you still waiting for her prince, not noticing that these two facts, to say the least, contradictory.

Try to actually look at things. This, of course, does not mean that popping married you will need for the first comer. However, a closer look at those who are near, it is necessary. Take a look around and listen to your heart, and if it tends to someone, you should not immediately dismiss a candidate because he is insecure, or stupid, or poor. Take a closer look, give him a chance and yourself. After all, if this fails, there will always be able to start searching again, and, eventually, get the result.

Mistake number 2 I am very busy!

Oksana - works in a major capital of the company as a senior manager. She was simply no time to look for a partner, she is always at work, at least, so says she. Some kind of truth here, of course. After all, pretty hard to expand the circle of communication, if you spend days on the job, and time is scheduled by the minute. But it is not only that, you just need to set priorities and achieve its goal. Admittedly, this topic really excites you, and look for ways to implement the plans. For example, over the Internet - yes, do not laugh, it is now quite a lot of people who met their fate this way. You can also find their destiny through friends, acquaintances - do not hesitate to hint to them that the one you feel uncomfortable, and you'll be glad to new acquaintances. In addition, find your soulmate and you will be able to play tennis, and in the club car enthusiasts and in the gym, most importantly, more often to look around.
"Under the recumbent stone gathers no moss" - a well-known adage in our situation quite useful. Need to be freed in his busy schedule at least a little time to make new acquaintances and purposefully use this time just to find its second half. Sooner or later, you certainly someone like, and the main thing - do not make a mistake number 3.

Mistake number 3. I can deal with everything myself

"Modern men are just dying out: they are not only small, but they are still weak, weak-willed creation" - so often thought of successful women who have achieved something in life. In principle, this observation makes sense, psychologists in Europe and America have noted that such a process as the feminization of men is taking place. But we have the opposite process, namely, the masculinization of women. Our ladies go to the pants, solving problems at home, family and business. Being close to a woman strong and confident man is difficult - because she decides when and how many will come, lies down, that will be there for dinner and so on. And even in the restaurant itself pays for itself. Can a man and would be happy to express themselves, but simply do not have time.

If you want to be with a strong and confident man who is not in a hurry to decide everything for him. Give yourself the opportunity to appoint, for example, a date, give him the reins of power in your relationship. Do not hide from the man of their weaknesses - as tired at work, how worried about him, or fear, for example, to sleep alone. And look at how a show man. This will certainly seize the opportunity provided. And not the real us is required.

Mistake number 4. On Mother's scenario

 While Natasha grew up, my mother controlled her every move. Any suitor rayed both under X-ray would be questioned and most scrutiny. "I do not want you repeated my way and found a type, like our father" - "Mama said, and listened to Natasha .. and parted with another gentleman. Today, Natasha mature, successful woman who escaped, finally out from under her mother's oppression. But it is still not married, and she 29. Mama's notation given their shoots, and Natasha is simply afraid to choose again not to. Just afraid to try because in case of failure must hear the words from his mother as she was right. But how can you learn to ride a bike, never fallen? ...

It is worth pondering, not affected by whether you influence a person views. Maybe you suffer an excellent pupil syndrome and just afraid to get a bad mark for a wrong move, a wrong choice. Realize that life is something you live for yourself, and have every right to be wrong. The last word should always stay behind you, because that's personal life mother has failed is no reason to spoil your own personal life.

Mistake number 5. Obviously, love does not happen!

When a failure in personal terms being driven into a dead end, comes the idea that love does not happen, that love - a fairy tale for naive durochek. Thought "no love" - it's just protecting itself from possible disappointments and pain.

Try to analyze what the reason for your love failures. Maybe you are just unlucky? But out of this situation can gain a valuable experience. Do not deny love, or close to it, because in this way, you close her way.

Too strong?

 Have a look at the list below, some items may apply to you? Then you have to change their attitude towards life. So, you can be enterprising, proactive, energetic, but still be feminine and delicate, at least, for his men.

- You are used to command not only at work but at home.

- Love, when the last word is yours. And get used to it.

- For those around you - cold and calculating person.

- The relationship you are afraid of seem helpless and weak.

- If you are invited to the meeting, as a rule, the choice of place and time you take on himself.

- You are always trying to show their superiority not only over life situations, but also on people.

- Do not ask anyone to ever help solve all their problems on their own.

- You do not like romantic and sensual man.

- You do not love money circulation, caring, affection in public.

 Did you know that self-interest - one of the main causes of loneliness. If you are not willing to sacrifice something for a loved one, take responsibility, do not wonder why you're still alone. Try to look at ourselves. If you have all kind of say that you do not need anyone, that any of your problem you decide yourself, what is the man for you to approach?

As a rule, strong woman unlucky in love. The reason is that they fall into the so-called psychological dependence. On the one hand, they reject romantic, gentle men who are willing to listen to it. On the other hand, if one can still find the same leader, as she is, family life becomes a contest, each trying to show his superiority. Typically, these marriages do not end well. Can I break this vicious circle? Of course.

First, you should look at the men around you. It is possible that not all weaklings. Maybe you simply take over the weakness of their good relationship to you? After all, what man is calm, balanced, circumstance, does not mean that he is weak. Look carefully at all of its actions on the case. After all, if given a chance to those whom you have labeled "namby-pamby," You can find understanding and interesting partner.

Secondly, try to rebuild a bit himself, his attitude to the world, people around you. Try to extol the femininity in their dress, in behavior, speech. Pause your partner can manifest itself. Allow partner to take care of themselves, to show attention, to give you the love and warmth.
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