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Tablets of love

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Tablets of love

We are talking about people's unconscious cravings vysokoemotsionalnym (ie, high-energy) states, which include and love. As we all know and love - a very pleasant seething energy (life force) in our body. A passionate love - it's just a fountain of energies that fill us and pour on others. A man in love literally "flies on the wings" - overflowing its energy makes it easy movement, dancing, air. He is cheerful, cheerful and happy, regardless of the circumstances surrounding life, as his rational mind at this time is not able to assess reality.

Later, when for some reason love is (hormones falls) and the person gets out of his high-euphoric state, the whole world seems to be bland, boring and empty, sometimes it does not even want to live, so its very different sensations during love and during normal life. And he, remembering those wonderful feelings that he experienced a state of love, tends to try them again and again. To this end, he seeks a new love - so there were usually the ones most poets and writers who glorified a fiery passion. Or, if you sit in your head fears that new love is not found, it hangs on the memories of past beautiful and strong feelings and tastes (requires requests) to get them again and again from his beloved.

Dependence on the tested once very strong sensations applies not only to love. Get a thrill you can in many ways, and if you do them once experienced, the memories of them are written at the level of cellular memory and you will constantly seek to revisit those feelings. For example, if the person was at war and where his life is facing real danger, but he survived and experienced with the strong emotions (and try to remain impassive at the same time!), The memory of these experiences can live in the body for many years and always get to remember about them. Do physicians, this memory of past bursts of energy, experienced man of war, called the "Afghan syndrome", "Chechen syndrome", etc.

All these processes are beyond the will and consciousness of people and have a tremendous impact on their behavior. They must be at least aware of it. The maximum need to learn to manage them and stop being dependent on the needs of the thrill. Can this be done if there were some " tablets of love "? Aware of its reliance on strong feelings, people tend to get rid out of love. It is clear that not from the fiery and unbearably pleasurable sensations they are experiencing in the moments of love. Get rid of the intrusive memories of these wonderful moments. And mind you can understand that love has passed, your beloved has disappeared from the horizon and nothing can return it back, but his heart, as they say, will not order. In his memoirs you again and again return to the peaks of a bygone love and want to experience again and again and the same person, since he brought you a moment of bliss. You are depending on their memories of the pleasant sensations. This kind of addiction, though outwardly it is interpreted as love.
Is it possible to quickly get rid of this painful addiction? Probably, it is possible, if some effort and erase information on your past love experiences. It is clear that the pill that can erase your body memory of past moments of pleasure, does not exist (at least, not yet). But here's the psychotherapeutic methods of cleaning our body from various kinds of experiences are many. This works, of course, if you love are gone, and themselves memories of the past strongly contaminate your present life. We consider some techniques that allow themselves to get rid of this dependence.

 Working with the idealization control

You can cling to the past because they are afraid of the future and do not trust him. You do not believe that will once again find a similar "pure and white love", and therefore strongly tighten the parting with the past. Parlance of techniques for intelligent life, you have the idealization of control in the form of fears for the future, and distrust of Life. This idealization is often block our progress, to the ambitious future, and you're stuck in the same condition that you are completely satisfied. For example, you live an unloved husband (wife) and dream about divorce, but do not do this step, fearing that no one else will meet and stay alone. That all the words of one songs: "I am afraid of the future. I am willing to (a) to take the plunge if I'm absolutely sure (a) that all will be well ahead. I will open new love, if you guarantee me that she will be. "

Clearly, that does not give guarantees no one, and "controller" hangs in the state of mental discomfort, which in our case takes the form depending on the last love. So, to break their addiction, we must work with their fears, learn to trust life and boldly look forward, with everything that you would like to receive. And now you're creating a future which they themselves have stated many times life her fears: "All the finest left behind. Love is no more. I am useless. The future of awful "etc. Once you change your mind on the opposite, positive, change your future at the same instant, and you will have to wait for what you allow yourself to get it. To get rid of this idealization is suitable any of the techniques we have considered in the first part.

 Purged of emotional memory

The following recommendation is reduced to the fact that the body must somehow erase (or reduce) the informational momentum, which is written, how cool did you have in the past. If such memories can not be, then you will not hang on. " How to do it myself? For example, using a technique similar to the auditing (out of Dianetics), ie way repeated aloud, retelling the most important of your memories of lost love. To do this, or find a patient companion, or just sit in front of a mirror and out loud to tell all of your wonderful past, with great detail, including a description of the environment, time of day, colors, smells, textures and materials, etc. And so again 30-40. On the thirtieth time you feel that you have nothing to tell already, your memory has become empty and uninteresting. A similar effect was experiencing all of us, for example, after the summer holidays. The first three friends, we talk about the most interesting moments of leisure with enthusiasm. The next three - crumpled and without excitement, and from subsequent curious just trying to dodge - we lost interest all that was there. Likewise, we can proceed with the last love, but only to tell with all the details, emotional and just 30-40. Then it's all forgotten as a nightmare.

Wedge wedge

Another way to get rid of the memories of a past love - write in your body even more powerful experience (positive, of course), which will supersede the emotional memory of a past love. Sometimes the situation with strong experience develops spontaneously (or as a consequence of unconscious and incorrect order). For example, when a woman severely ill child, she instantly forgets his suffering over an unhappy love affair, although earlier was because of this, in a deep depression. It is clear that we can not recommend getting rid of their experiences through the suffering of loved ones. We need to find more humane ways. For example, to find the strength and jump from the plane. With a parachute, of course. Or go into a serious mountaineering expedition. Or climb into a hole to swim, etc. In general, you need to tighten and do something that cause you have a strong emotional outburst. If this experience will be powerful enough, it will supersede your previous memories. Wedge, as they say, fire with fire. So that the memories of lost love can heal. And let your new love life is also possible, it all depends on you.
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