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Tarot divination online Free Divination by Tarot cards

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Tarot divination online. Free Divination by Tarot cards

Divination Tarot for 2011: alignment of the "Twelve Months"
This alignment of the 12 cards is designed to answer the question: "What the coming year will bring me?" It focuses on issues that are relevant to you within the next 12 months, and can be used at any time of year. Guessing is best done at the end of the current year or the beginning of the upcoming. It's time to tell fortunes! NEW!
Love Tarot Forecast for 2011: "Celtic Cross"
This alignment of 10 cards in detail explains and predicts the situation in his personal life with all the nuances. This is a universal disposition to any situation: he loves or does not like when my loneliness, whether the relationship happy .... Extremely popular among commentators Tarot. NEW!
Taro forecast for the month: alignment of "Eye of Horus" - 7 cards
Egyptian Tarot absorbed the secrets of the ancient world. With these mysterious cards, you can better understand what is happening and look into his soul. Left Eye of Horus to help you look into the past, and right eye to the future. Get a prediction for the next 30 days! NEW!
Tarot Divination for love: "Pyramid of the Beloved" - 4 cards
This disposition to love, ie, revealing the presence of love or its absence in your life. Alignment affects the topic - about you, your partner, relationship and future. In many cases it is very useful to know in advance the true reason for the attention of this or that person. And then suddenly fall in love, begin the construction of crystal castles ... And locks will be built on the quicksand.
Online Tarot Divination: "My Beloved" - 9 cards
Alignment "My Beloved" on nine cards will help you to describe your loved one: to find out more what his sexuality, generosity, complex, prone to jealousy, commitment to marriage. If you know a long time, then it is likely you will find here what they already knew or suspected.
Divination Tarot on the relationship: "The current union" - 5 cards
Alignment "The present Union by 5 cards should be used when the questioner worried that something in partnering, as he worried about his future and feels that the partner is not good enough to be treated. Alignment will present a general picture of relations, the current established between the partners.
Tarot Divination Online: "Analysis of Solitude" - 10 cards
This alignment examines the relationship between a man and a woman. It helps to move away from the banal questions like "Well, what I have with it is?", "Marries whether it is on me?" Or "When I finally meet my love?" To redefine themselves and their behavior, leads us to identify the causes failures and helps you understand what needs to change in yourself, work to do to find himself and discover through love.
Divination Tarot on the situation: "The Cross" - 4 cards
Alignment of the Cross - one of the easiest, but no less interesting alignment. It gives clear and precise answers, and very often, and complete information about the future course of events. In this case, it can be applied to a variety of situations. Alignment of the Cross on the four cards gives a description of the problem that worries you at this moment, what you are receptive and open, what is your influence on others, how to find a solution to problems that concern you.
Guessing on the Tarot: a karmic alignment «INGUZ» - 9 cards
Karmic alignment of dedicated rune INGUZ (positive rune) for 9 cards used to be able to find out what they were (or could be) your previous or subsequent incarnation. Maps are arranged like the configuration of the runes, hence the name. If you do not use these cards too often - they can give very accurate results.
Tarot cards online for the future: "Defining Objectives" - 8 cards
"Defining Objectives" - a disposition to 8 cards, the configuration pattern which mimics the body of a mermaid. Alignment is used to predict the future and solve any difficult situation. In divination using Tarot Sirens - pack-oriented emotion, the sphere of feelings, passions, feelings, fantasies (water - Thunderstorms and mermaids, and emotions).
Guessing on the Tarot cards: "Horseshoe" - 7 cards
Alignment "Horseshoe" - is the alignment of the 7 cards with Russian symbols. A great deal for domestic issues (family situation, at work, the situation in romantic relationships, etc.), as well as runaway hits daily. In divination using a deck of Russian maps, interesting is the fact that this is an original deck against the backdrop of a large number of published now western decks.
Virtual divination by the Tarot cards (Flash) on 3 maps
The number of known layouts for tarot cards are dozens, if not thousands. Some talk about the past, present and future, while others - about love and friendship, partnership and business, and others - about the fate and destiny - in other words, the range of unusually diverse. This section gives some of the most common layouts on the flash.
Tarot Online: "Work and Finance - 1 map
Guessing answers to the questions: Should you change jobs, whether you are waiting for monetary gain. Thanks divination, you can ensure success in business and determine the prospects for the business relationship.
Online Tarot divination. Alignment "Three questions about love" - 1 Card
The theme of love is diverse and for all. After all, every one of us is vital that we love to admire and have been faithful to my feelings. This cartomancy answer important questions such as: Do you like a partner, whether he is faithful to you, meet you at this year's new love, if it is alone.
Divination Tarot on the outside: "Glass of Wine" - 8 cards
Alignment "A glass of wine" with the deck "Tarot Gnomes" offers tips and advice on things that concern you at this time. Each Tarot card has a symbolic value encrypted in images of small gnomes mining in the depths of the universe crystals of its wisdom. Tarot Gnomes develops imagination and artistic taste, as well as helping with benefit and have a good time. You can tell fortunes in this free tarot.
Guessing on the Tarot cards: "Five Gates of Hell" - 5 cards
"Five Gates of Hell" - the personal disposition of 5 cards, which opens with a man inside, his behavior, thoughts, its material plan, the manifestations in the society. Alignment in the form of magical pentagram is useful when simply need to ask your unconscious: Who am I?
Tarot. Predictor of disposition "Board" - 1 Card
This alignment of taro give answers to various questions that you care about, and comment on the overall situation, or any area of your life. Maps show the probable course of events, but in your power to change his or her attitude toward the development of the situation. Booked - is forearmed.
Guessing on the Tarot: a psychological disposition "Talent" - 1 Card
At birth we are given talents and abilities, some of which we can not use it. This alignment will help to get to know your destiny, in what area will manifest your strength where you most likely will show weak results.
Virtual Tarot divination: "Instant" - 1 Card
You can ask the card about anything, but in reality it is a means to uncover what you already know. Any card of the day, extended in response to the question - is a direct reflection of what you at this time unable or unwilling to grasp. Tarot of the day - the most popular deal for instant projection.
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