Teach a man how to order
If all the household will not keep order in the house, it settles the chaos. Man must first of all to accustom to the regime in power. He must know at what time you can enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner in the house. Keep it on a short leash so as not to sneak up on the fridge at an inopportune time and not sneaking glances at the dry "extra" pieces. It was early in married life men willingly contribute to the organization of joint home your hobbies, your taste and fantasy. The special charm becomes flat if the spouse failed to translate into the interior of "caves" their creative abilities. The apartment is to a certain extent - the mirror of marriage.
Walk into any home and will understand if a person lives here a happy couple, whether they are arguing constantly, and in general whether they live in fact each other's interests and maintain the appearance of marriage. Teach a man to what personal belongings must have their place, ie unacceptable scattering of socks, shirts, cigarette butts, etc. But this is minor compared with what you have to teach him to read farming, without which, as they say, love boat of life be broken. To avoid this, just gather the family council and plans to balance its expenditures on food, rent, updating the wardrobe, entertainment, cultural activities, payment of loans, deposits in savings bank, etc. Explain to him that the balance should be based on the rule: expenditure correspond to the amounts of income, net of the last required payment of taxes and reserve money, which can come in and pocket money. At first not so important what you'll spend the money, most importantly - the cost must be reasonable and meet the needs. Proper housekeeping - that trust each other and fluency in Cass Potbelly.

Completely dispose of cashier or husband or wife - option is invalid. A man must develop a sensible attitude to money by the principle: "Money is the way things should serve people, not make them his slaves." It is important to work out at the family council, the overall economic life style and the overall scale of values. Accustoming him to order, you need to know what exactly want from him. Making the remark "Do not spread socks", offers an alternative to "piled in a laundry basket ..."
For example, you do not have time for the weekend to finish spring cleaning, and accuse the spouse that he is heartless, like a statue, and even not lift a finger to somewhat help. It's the wrong model of behavior. And even if the hint that fall to the ground, he can not show mercy, the initiative with a proposal to their aid. The surest way to teach a man how to order - is a timetable distributed economic affairs for a month. Remember the cycle is not immediately jump to the accusation: "For the month, you never washed and cleaned!" But please, built as a matter of "You could not vacuum the carpet?" And leaving the man the right choice to lead you in amazement. You'll see how willing he will respond to your offer.
It is important to be immediately heard. To do this, think about what he needed. Offer him ready to replace what you are trying to eliminate or modify to order. For example, instead of the phrase "A dog is yours, and go out with her for some reason only I am!" Offer a solution: "In the morning, my dog, and yours - in the evening ..." The man will be satisfied that the dog is necessary for all. Accustoming man to order, you should pay attention not only to his unwanted habits, but also unsightly manner to fix them for good. In other words, you have to become a teacher at the time of etiquette. First, take a look at his posture: when he stands back should be straight. If you notice a round-shouldered, so he can have back problems. You understand that the spine to the body - it's frame. Bad frame creates health problems for the whole body ... In this case the man should be a really rectify the situation with force posture.
A further look at how it all rests on the people. If he stands down with one hand in his jacket pocket, that's fine. But in any case not keep both hands in his trouser pockets. Communicating, notices his bad manners and try to get rid of them. Just do not straighten it at all, prompts him to action, it is necessary for you. So, if he stubbornly throws her things around the house, despite the fact that you've done to him comments, you first transform into the standard etiquette for yourself. You should be puzzled what caused this protest? Eliminate the cause.