Teach a man to protect your relationship
Men and women are constructed differently, and he can easily forget to call you when delayed at work. Most likely it's head does not come, you have already looked over in my mind all the options, ranging from an accident on the road and ending with the abduction of your beloved aliens. In the span were: unwillingness to be home with you, meeting with school friends, lover (oh, horror!), Broke the pipe at the second cousin aunt's seizure of the office by terrorists, and more. Maybe urged his boss to stay in connection with the upcoming quarterly report and considered as a separate version, but the result is one: you are lying down, exhausted from the head or heart pain, or, conversely, frantically rushing about the house and nazvanivaete to shut off cell phone and your pet returns home as if nothing had happened. On your side can follow very different reaction: his arms, crying hysterically, blow on the head with a frying pan, interrogation, fall into a swoon ...
However, to the man developed a persistent reflex "lingered somewhere - notify his boss, with your hand should be completely different reaction. To consolidate the skills you need to show his handpicked that worried about it, that is not the most experienced pleasant emotions. He loves you and probably will not want to upset afterwards. You can reinforce the effect of the following trick: when your beloved ask for supper, say something like: "Honey, I'm so worried about you - before cooking if I was?" This trick works perfectly. True, we strongly advise you to a few minutes later "discover" the food in the fridge - still leave her hungry man is not worth it, because the goal is not to punish him, but to enable him to realize how valuable it is, importantly - your peace of mind. Realizing this, the man will inform you about possible delays with all available to him at the moment of communication.
Protection for your mood
Here the main task of the men is reduced not only to support your positive attitude, but to ensure that this does not spoil the mood and not to upset favorite. And not to disappoint you does not mean that he must not conceal from you the bad news - you do not want to be in a position mimosa under a crystal cap. And here to present bad news in as a milder form - please. But most importantly, it should not disappoint you with their behavior. In general, I advise to treat it from this angle: it aims to make his beloved mistress only enjoyable, just that it does not always work. Nothing, everything comes with experience. But in the trainings of your good mood should not go too far and threaten his beloved to death. Otherwise, having made a blunder, it will hide this fact until recently, to once again not to upset his beloved mistress, and you very likely know about the problem at a time when it is very difficult to remedy the situation. But you could help your pupil! In the end, everyone has the right to make mistakes. And do not forget the principle of mirroring: it contributes to as much as possible to create a positive attitude from his men, and you'll always be happy with each other.
Protecting your busy life
What is the rhythm of your life together, and why it needs to be protected? Simply put, practice the skill of the rhythm of your life - the desire of the overwhelming majority of women. Every woman wants her man to come home on time, never stopping, not to spend half the night watching TV, etc. I do not use the word "timetable", because it seems too strict with regard to this situation. Perhaps you and do not form for itself a clear plan for the day, but you will agree with me that some measured in life should still be present. And none other than your beloved man, often it violates their "free graphics". Freedom to fully limit is not necessary, but we need to bring him to the arguments in favor of compliance with the rhythm of life. What you can say? For example, explain to him that when he go to bed very late, it already gets tired with loss of strength. "Just think, the discovery of America" - perhaps you will object to me, - "that he himself is unable to think of this?"
Of course in the state, but do focus on what it could be detrimental to his career. You will fall right on target, because there is no such man, who was not concerned about achieving success in life, with the exception of Alfonso zahrebetnikov and descended the representatives of this breed, but you are not interested, I hope. Such arguments can pick a lot. In severe cases, choose the more radical methods, such as leave the territory of living together for one night, and on his return in response to the angry reproaches of his men prochirikayte: "Honey, what's wrong with that? You can go home whenever you want. "
Believe me, this would really work, and your man soon he will seek to return home, never stopping, not to disrupt the rhythm of life together. And when he starts a lot more just to keep pace, and he would never watch TV until late at night, then to the whole day to walk with a heavy head and watch helplessly as everything goes out of his hands.
Your feelings, your relationships ... They need protection, and, as you know, take care love to two, but your efforts are not enough. Teach a man to protect your relationship , if you have something troubling, talk about it, do not be silent, as a partisan, and do not wait until he had to guess. Discuss your questions calmly and without reproach, and even more insults. Recognized for men the right to their own point of view, even if it is somewhat contrary to yours. And most importantly, always try to reach a compromise, then the favorite will make every effort to safeguard your relationship and not lose the love of his incomparable.