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Teach your child to enjoy failure

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Teach your child to enjoy failure

Teach your child to enjoy setbacks , failures, adversities, troubles, and other bad old stages of everyday life. By the way, purely fenshuysky "advice. Do not cry into my pillow! Can you imagine, on some energy-rich pillow you will sleep later? Therefore, if you are so bad, give way to tears in the bathroom or outdoors, in general, anywhere, but not revite in the pillow. Deal? Excellent!

Tell your child about the instructive history of the French teacher and inventor, Louis Braille. After he became blind three years old. The family lived in Braille Kuvre, a small village located about twenty miles from Paris. The boy was playing in his father's saddlery shop and accidentally hurt the eye by some tool. Started festering. Louis began to rub his eyes and raised in the second infection. A few weeks later he was completely blind. Father made him a special cane. Louis probed this cane a space in front of him to not stumble on any subject. Blindness did the boy helpless. He could not play with other children, running through the woods and climbing trees. Two hundred years ago was considered mentally retarded blind. Was common wisdom is that they can not talk, like everyone else, because I do not see what surrounds them. Blind children are reluctant to take to school. While blind eked out miserable existence, most of them to beg on the streets.

Fortunately, the local priest, Jacques Louis Golf treated as a completely normal child, and became its first teacher. Later, he arranged with great difficulty the boy in a local school, and later ensured that St. Louis was in the Royal High School for Blind Children in Paris. Here Louis learned to read books for the blind, printed by sonography. However, he was faced with numerous difficulties. Since the sonographic letter every sound indicates a single character, there was no way to pass the spelling of the word. In addition, difficulties with punctuation, it was impossible to write the numbers.

In general, Louis set a goal to improve and simplify the writing for the blind. It took several years. In the twenty years he wrote the book "The method of writing the words, music and simple songs with a point of writing for blind people." The accident robbed Louis of view, but through the invention of this talented and courageous man, widely known as the Braille millions of blind people can open the book and read everything in the world. Blindness did not prevent Maria Theresia von Paradis become a great pianist, serving the most famous concert halls in the world, the famous composer, great singer and an outstanding teacher. Thanks to blindness, Maria Theresa had a remarkable memory. She could play by heart at least sixty concerts for piano and remembered every note of his own compositions.
Popular Russian writer Darya Dontsova whose income, according to independent estimates of Forbes, reaches 1.6 million dollars, with his success, oddly enough, is obliged terrible disease known as breast cancer. In an interview she said she wanted to prove to all people with this diagnosis, that their illness can live a full life, be happy and rich. After her first book she wrote while lying on a hospital bed. For me Dontsova is a benchmark of courage and hard work. In an interview with Forbes magazine to the question: "Could come a moment when you say: Overall, I would not write any more?" - She replied quite brilliantly: "None. Unlikely. If I have taken away his right hand, I'll write the left. If I had something happen to the left, I'll take a pencil in his teeth and going to poke a pencil in the press did not love my computer. If I refuse my teeth, I'll dictate. I will find a way. "

Wilma Rudolph was born the twelfth child of twenty-two children. In early childhood, the girl suffered a measles, mumps, chickenpox, pneumonia and scarlet fever. When she was four years old, baby polio, causing severe complications, she had begun to atrophy muscles of his left leg. The doctors claimed that the girl would never walk again. But its own efforts and help parents do a girl "the fastest woman in the world." Her life was a wonderful example for all those who still consider their own unfulfilled dreams.

Margaret Thatcher fueled hatred of the Nazis as a teenager raised in Grentheme, which is constantly bombarded. It is these experiences brought up in her unflinching Iron Lady. Oprah Winfrey was illegitimate, and for the first six years of his life did not know heat neither father nor mother. In the nine years she had been raped before she was attacked and suffered sexual harassment by three family members. Oprah was so overwhelmed by the huge amount of experience that made a suicide attempt. But these terrible events have made her decide to become the highest-rated and American talk show host. In an interview, Oprah clearly said: "I tried to make himself worthy of love. And the way I chose, is that I hope to be loved, reaching the victory. "

Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Dickens, Beethoven and Van Gogh also suffered an unhappy childhood, full of hardship and spiritual crises. The German poet Goethe said: "I was always looked upon as a man, sprinkled with the gifts of fate ... But ... I could go a little further and affirm that during my seventy-five years I have had no more than four weeks of brilliant inspiration." Yes, every drop of growth implies, every disappointment creates new opportunities for improvement. It is the law of life! After all, is not afraid to fall and fall and rise. After a step back involves two steps forward! Moreover, notice is crisis experienced in childhood, creating a kind of immunity that allows adults to survive.

For example, if a man once in the business will survive the bankruptcy, he will never again worry and panic about money. He already knows for sure that it is - a temporary phenomenon, leading to even more money. If the athlete will be saved after falling on the track of the giant slalom, it will be even more emboldened to ski on a mountain slope. Do you understand? Adults who have experienced difficulties in childhood, are able to overcome obstacles without the convulsions of panic. This quality is an important component of a successful person.

Another confirmation of the above - the tragedy of Martin Luther. In his student years young lawyer struck a thunderbolt. Sensing the approach of death, he cried: "Help, St. Anne, and I'll be a monk!" Then this man became the founder of Protestantism. Explain that failure to destroy only the faint of heart, and a great help to climb to great heights. Therefore, dear mom and dad, it's important to teach children not to be afraid of challenges and setbacks. Teach your child to enjoy failure! Even Plato said: "The major victory - a victory over his ego. To be conquered his "I" - and shame, and low. "
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