Teach your child to find answers to your questions
Since childhood, the child gets used to receive from the adults are ready to answer all questions. First, the kid simply indicates that a finger, and we are happy to explain to him what it is. As well, because the child is interested! Then he starts asking questions. First, that simple?, Then tricky why. And parents, good grandparents in a hurry to satisfy children's curiosity - even if the child already knows the answer and asked, simply because still hear him again. Adults for some reason it seems that the child is not able to match the known facts before it and try to answer the question.
When the child begins to think? When he himself will be able to guess about something, something we assume to analyze, to delve into their own, albeit small, but existing archives of memory? We are always ready to substitute mental crutches - his vision of the world. The older the child gets, the more you can redirect his question to an objective source of knowledge: and teach him how to use dictionaries and encyclopedias. Do not think about the child badly: fail, not smart enough to not realize - even small! Just try to give him an incentive to make to think for themselves, and help only if he really can not handle himself.
Try another question howcast forward to it though. Mom, why ... - What do you think, dear? And why do you think so? And look at how a child will react. With what pleasure he will seek the answers, come up with an unexpected version speculate that it must be said, are often much more plausible answer adults. Teach your child to find answers to their questions. So, to start, dear adults, learn to yourself to ask questions and constrained to time to keep silence, instead of cram into the child as soon as you hear from him next why?, preparing an information cud. Learn to listen to others rather than themselves (by others I mean in the first child). After all, who said that the information that we give to a child, so he needs? Who said that it is the ultimate truth, not subjective opinions of an adult?
"In school are taught in school, are taught in school ..."
So, what is actually taught in school? Above all, listen to the teacher. Sometimes a lecture or a lesson similar to the monotonous speech of poor policies, once chewed the electorate their election program. Of course there are exceptions! Happy is he who was lucky in the school with teachers, especially in the elementary grades. But we digress. What else teaches school? Do not ask questions. Exactly. Issues interfere with the standard teacher. (And such, alas, most of the school.) They knock him out of the usual track, makes us look beyond the program of the answers are annoying.
Do not think. That the teacher spoke in class, then the right. The student may, of course, to work with the literature on their own, but his own view of things is not welcome. Who is he? Yes, no one - student, silly! There are lots of experts, whose opinion is more important. Standard thinking. What is the solution of problems, exams, test, essays, term papers? Nothing like chewed other people's thoughts. Where experimentation, creativity, the search? In general, this is not ...
All this leads to the fact that the child is full of information, not produced independently, and wedged in his head almost violently. Useful to him all this information in the husks of life? Is that part. Let's see what is valued in adult life, to which we so zealously preparing children. First of all, the ability to think outside the box, quickly, flexibly. You've seen in my life two similar situations, two people are alike? None. And asking you to school like puzzles to be solved by the same scheme? Of course!
Give your child the opportunity to ask yourself questions to find their own answers to them, and you will see how much faster it will evolve.
- Why am I doing?
- Can you solve (make) it in another way?
- Is it worth it to do so when there is no reason to do these things?
- How do you think, how best to proceed in this situation?
The last question - a worthy replacement for the standard replica: nadodelat So, my dear, so do everything.