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Tearfulness and whims of children

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Tearfulness and whims of children

You can not do to ignore the cry of her son or daughter. This can cause irreparable damage to the credibility of an adult. When crying is explicit nature of hysteria, the best - not reinforce it increased attention, and provide an opportunity for release of nervous tension. In other cases, crying should understand that it is possible only when trust contact and assurance of the absence of punishment. First of all, the kid is crying, expressing the needs of nature. It is very easy to find by offering him something to eat or drink. He cries reports that he has wet diapers or clothing. Check and change it. Older child, perhaps because asking for pot. To act in such a situation a snap: put him on the potty and stay with him, distract the conversation or show toy.

He may cry if he's hot, or, conversely, cold. It's you define as his skin: The skin will be wet, sweaty, if he is hot, and cool, pimples (goose bumps) - if the baby is cold. Find out the cause, try to fix it. Generally, kids are very undesirable to overheat, it's terrible for them cold. Do not make him sissy, do not muffle it, turning into the cabbage, it will quickly lead to disease. Tearfulness and whims of children are the most likely consequence of the disease. He can shriek in frenzy because he had a sore tummy, no chair longer than expected. To eliminate the discomfort, use a massage. The massage is done in a clockwise direction, gentle movements. Make sure that your hands were warm, use baby cream for better sliding of hands over his body.

If there is no effect, output gases. To do this, place the baby on the left flank and bend his legs, pressing them to the tummy. You can use another method - put the vapor tube. Last resort, if no satisfactory result is an enema. Put the baby on her left side and make klizmochku warm boiled water. When the manifestation of a serious illness in any case did not engage in self, because you do not know how sick child. Call the local doctor in the house. The first symptoms usually are weakness, lethargy, refusal to eat. Pay attention to the condition of the skin, look at the neck, check the chair. Be sure to measure the body temperature.

It is known that when a child is sick, it decreases appetite, so do not cram it through the force, do not let us eat as much as possible. Another important point: even if the baby is sick, do not hold the force in bed. Since the permanent stay in bed accompanied by tears due to the unwillingness to lie, you know that energy to tear the kid will spend no less than walking. Put it to meet the temperature regime, but in any case, half the clothes - overheating is dangerous for children, especially when they bolny.Neredko happens that after the recovery remains nervous and tearful state. Please be patient. Do not answer him his annoyance and yelling, but first and foremost take care of the strict observance of the established regime in accordance with the condition and age of the child: put him to bed on time, properly fed and frequently visit the open air.

Give your child as much care and affection, even a grown man, when ill, requires greater attention. Try to distract him from the consequences which resulted in the disease (weakness, imbalance), do not break the usual mode, it can only hurt. Baby cries, capricious, does not want to go to the doctor. First, you need to talk to him, to explain why you go to the clinic and how it will go through this visit. The relationship of the child and the doctor are added through the parents, because it is they bring it to the reception, the reasons for joining, the symptoms of the disease. It is therefore very important to explain to him that this visit is nothing terrible, that he did not make it hurt. In no case can frighten a child pricks and the hospital. Imagine what you can to instill in all my life baby fear and dislike of people in white coats.
Capricious, because I do not want to ...

Naughty child, crying, does not want to put down. Of course, since the first days of life he is used to your constant presence, does not want to leave, leave toys and go to bed. He needs you to some time next pobyli. Sit on the edge of the bed, tell him what a good story, a story, read a book or just look at pictures with him. Can quietly sing a song or just talk about the day. This will allow your child safely complete your day. Ask him about what interesting things happened, share with them about their business, but make it so that it was understandable. His favorite toy should stay close so he could reach out to her. After all, kids love to sleep with toys. At this point you should give your child full attention and affection, as it is very important for him and for you and helps to strengthen your relationship.

Sometimes a kid, on the contrary, capricious because he wants to sleep, but could not fall asleep. Pobayukayte it, caress, make a relaxing massage. Stay with it a bit, try to configure it to sleep. To accustom the child to voluntarily be laid to sleep, the first step is to reassure him. Let him cry a few minutes, then step up and caress it. Gradually increase the time gap before coming to him when he starts crying. Eventually he realizes that it did not leave when he is sleeping, loving parents beside him. You give him to understand that love him, you are always with him. So he calms down and gets used to falling asleep without whims.

If a child refuses to eat, do not feed him by force, do not shout at him. Please be patient. Tell me, what is necessary to grow big and healthy, such as the Pope, set him on the table, toy and feed the "it, alternating - one spoonful of the doll, the other - to him. There is another well-known method - is to eat a spoonful of each member of the family: a father, a mother, a grandmother ...

Your baby does not like and do not want to swim. What to do in this situation? First of all, try to explain to him why it was done. Tell us how important it is to comply with the purity of the body. Remember the fairy tale "Moidodir" about a boy who ran away from all the clothes, because he was a pig. Remind him how he had been ill recently, and try to convince him that if he would swim, never get sick. Use a variety of toys that can be washed. Now there are many winding Waterfowl toys that can distract him while bathing. Suffer him with soap bubbles. The most important thing - you have to stay close, in any case, do not leave your baby alone in the bathroom, because he not only can choke, but also very scared of water.

Sometimes reluctant to bathe is associated with a hit soap or shampoo in his eyes. He saved discomfort, so he begins to cry. Use special cleaning products for children that will not cause irritation if it enters the eye. Kid stubborn and does not want to dress, gets nervous, cry, throw about clothes. Find out why he protests. Maybe he wants to put his favorite thing to allow, if possible, to make him the choice myself. Or by showing something will interest some pattern, say that blouse or pants are beautiful, warm and comfortable.

Sometimes a child does not like clothes because he was uncomfortable in it, but he can not express it in words. If you go into the street and a child object to a warm jacket, explain that it's cold outside, show that you too will put on the heat. But in any case not go to cry, do not wear a child by force. This will adversely affect your future relationships.
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