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Technique Charming woman

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Technique Charming woman

I assure you, man, now I post absolutely secret data on women, and if you properly learn this technique, a woman will definitely be in love with you and want you to get close not only erotic, but perhaps even years of family life. In this procedure, seven points and hold them to in the same sequence as they are described. The only thing you can add - his own imagination, but even an inch without losing a set course. If you spend all seven techniques correctly, then I assure you, they offer you a sense of women in seventh heaven. Thus, the technique ocharovyvavaniya women:

1. Must be openly courting her in front of everybody, not paying attention to others, so caring for his dove dove. Such behavior underscores the value and elite women, both strong-willed and assertive advertising of quality men.

2. The effect of the swing - a brief separation for 3-4 days after a long, active courtship during the week. Stop to visit her and call. I got used to male attention, a woman can not do without it, she is already beginning to miss you and will always think of you, wait for the call, thereby further coding yourself in union with you. As a rule, after your return to her woman gets thirsty.
3. If your fiancee is not too much to you is, then, started actively courting her closest friend, or rivals, you can dramatically change her attitude towards him. Then all her entourage to speak of you, that certainly would fuel her self-esteem, and she wants to show her friends that she was not inferior to them and when it is desired, you will not care for them, and behind it.

4. Please do not stick Fold, do not allow yourself to excesses in the courtship of her friends, because such a tactic may be to humiliate the woman, and she gets mad at you is elementary and will become even more impregnable. As soon as you notice that she is aware of your courtship of a friend, immediately react to her with loving warmth and try to remain close to her, continuing to look in a different form, this will bring you the desired results.

5. If you show darling disturbed sense of, say, the suffering of love came to it late at night with a bouquet of flowers and kissed her, and stepping down - a so-called night shocked, and this method will work, especially if you call her at night and say: " Guess where am I now? I'm nesus at 130 kilometers on a highway just because my apartment is empty without you, and I want to be with you, but you have me to her not calling. " Disturb her with hints of suffering, but again not Fold the stick, because excessive syusyukane men could cause a disregard for you.

6. Effect of feeding - an instinct inherited women evolutionarily. Any male courting a female, brings her food. Every time you visit bring a woman pleasing trinkets or tasty culinary tricks, then she elaborated conditioned reflexes, a positive attitude to your presence. Often outputting the lady in decent places where you could feed her.

7. The essence of the reception is the same as the previous, but instead of tangible things you give it to their attention, admiration for her, compliments. Very often they are much stronger than these gifts, especially where there is material wealth, and no attention to the woman. Make it an incomparable Goddess, and she will give you.

I want to warn you: this "hunt" during which it is very easy to become a prey. I assure you that the more intellectually developed woman, the easier it you win, the easier you fall under its dependence, especially if she boldly turns you "dynamo", using the paragraph 2. Strategy dating and Charming the women I gave no order to the men became a womanizer. Believe me, my Dear Readers, womanizer, I do not like, because I think they just incontinent people.
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