Technology therapeutic metaphors
Believe me, a professional psychologist - a psychologist only on paper. And at home - it is a simple man, with his strengths and weaknesses, foibles and phobias, sometimes he wants to yell, and sometimes - to cry. He is alive. And yet, NLP helps to solve many problems of communication, making understanding the family more profound, you can find a common language. In search of the common language of the people are very helpful metaphor. We believe that our advantage, we hear what we prefer to hear, gives them a sense of unnatural things, and it all rejoice as children. All the people in the world believe that they are doctors and teachers. And no need for them to do any special education. All have their babies, put them on pedagogical experiments and practice self-education. One of the most effective and minimally traumatic techniques of self-medication and treatment of our loved ones - technique of therapeutic metaphors.
What is a metaphor and what it ate? Metaphors - succinct allegorical stories, parables, invented and told by a therapist (in our case - NLP-ers) to produce a specific effect - one of the best techniques of psychological influence. The most simple metaphor - the anecdote. Aphorism, proverb, parable, fairy tale, "Nonfictional" story - can also become metaphors in capable hands. Metaphor - a verbal encoding human. We lay in our story some installations, heavy on him meaning, decorate lexical constructions and fed to the patient. Metaphors work. Anecdote or parable can be most effective in psychotherapy when they are first in the life of the patient's presentation (and then they, unfortunately, become commonplace ordinary). These considerations lead to the fact that every therapist is trying to create their own "baggage" of short stories to practice and update of the "baggage" is a constant concern for him. Therapeutic metaphor - a very effective technique of influence. Soft as a baby shampoo, but eating away the brain, such as sulfuric acid.
What I mean when I talk about the quotes? I can secretly conduct direct suggestions and orders my client or anyone, even myself, just so that I would arrange them in quotation marks, as done by someone else. Imagine, for example, that you - my boss and a decent villain. If I tell you: "Boss, you - yuck!", Then you will no doubt come to the anger and fire me in a trice. However, if I occasionally say: "Boss, I was just coming one type, made me sick, and then I said to him:" Do you know who are you? You - yuck! ", Then I get satisfaction from that called you, boss, trash, and you get a subconscious experience of what it means to be had called trash. In this case, I did not like talking to you, and some kind of "the man" - a fictional character. I let off steam, you get the suggestion. This is how to keep a fig in the pocket.

You know this technique? When you call on the carpet to the head, always keep the fig in the pocket - both literally and figuratively. Then you will be easy "to play in the mist" ... In the context of the metaphor I can just make a character in the story told my client that I want to say as a therapist. For example, I want to say: "Break down the stereotypes of perception, expand your map of reality, look at things from different angles." This is a direct suggestion. It usually meets resistance, but the metaphor works better, thinner, affecting the subconscious mind, causing us to look for morals ... we have found the answer is much more efficient and more useful than a dogma, which is in us trying to drive.
How to program yourself for success
Someone of you hang on a wall or put under Plexiglas sheet with desktop aphorisms, someone in each case will be telling anecdote, someone remembers the tale from Russian folklore ... My therapeutic metaphor - a parable. They are most effective influence on my consciousness of the writer. And that's it I prefer to tell their clients for medical purposes. Although never neglect anecdotes and aphorisms, which also occupy a niche in the art of therapeutic metaphors. How do the parables? Faced with a difficult situation, I fish out of their luggage suitable parable, viewing it as a movie and mentally pronouncing basic mantra ...
Now show by example.
Sleeping next to the snorer has become for me a real problem when I started to travel a lot and ride the trains. By law, dishonesty in the coupe someone will snore - sometimes quietly, snuffle, like a mouse, and it almost does not interfere, and sometimes someone is howling like a polar blizzard makes me shudder and wake up. Of course, you can enter in the auditory rapport with the snorer, pohrapet a couple and slowly bring it sifflet to nothing, but usually for this, I do not have the patience, and I use a more appropriate method for my actions - I neutralized snoring in my mind. I look through the feature film "The Dog Wedding" and several times at the end of mentally pronounce healing mantra. So, the short film script ...
Tired traveler decided to stay overnight at the monastery. An elderly monk gave him his cell, and he took the next. At night under the walls of the monastery cleared dog wedding - dogs barking in different ways and stopped sleeping companion. He hands and stopped their ears, pulling blanket over his head, but to no avail - the barking of dogs leads him from himself. Then the stranger got up and went to a neighboring cell. He woke up with great difficulty, a monk, and indignantly asked:
-How can you sleep when the windows so unbearable noise?
-Really? - The monk reached out and added: - Dog 'case - barking and my business - to sleep. I do not mix.
Dog 'case - barking and my business - to sleep. I do not mix.
Where can I get the metaphor?
Do I need to do to read many books, anecdotes, gather a collection of aphorisms? Of course. But it's not all. You will never become a master in the field of therapeutic metaphors, until you learn to make them yourself. Believe me, in order to come up with a fairy tale, parable or anecdote, you have all the abilities. If it's someone under force, hence the strength and you. But apart from morality, to be veiled or been told in plain text in your metaphor must be used word with a positive color, involving effective language patterns, all representational systems ...
All our Psychosomatics consciously and subconsciously seek samonastroitsya a wave of success, stardom, the attractiveness of ... Please note that people are much more willing to listen to you when you use the word "progressive", "successful", "reliable", "right", "favorite" "beautiful", "young", "healthy", "rich" than when you say "negative," unsuccessful "," hateful "," old "," poor "," sick "," stupid "," stupid "" hopeless, "" ridiculous "... working on the creation of therapeutic metaphors, Marshall clearly the problem and predicts the outcome that you want to achieve that does not work, as in the following stories.
Programming yourself and your environment for success, do not neglect the technique of creating complex metaphors - helix. The spiral is composed of several metaphors, working on a solution to one problem.
-Why do I need a few metaphors in one? - You ask.
In order to "confuse the tracks" - to generate strong interest in history and a positive anchor.
Spiral looks like this: 1-2-3-2-1.
Where 1 - is the beginning of the first story, which ends in the most interesting moment (concentrates on describing the nature, environment), 2 - the beginning of the second story, which ends in the most interesting moment (focuses on the actions of the hero), 3 - brilliant short story, told entirely (aphorism, anecdote - reflects the status of hero of the problem), 2 - the end of the second story, 1 - the end of the first story.