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Ten ways to quickly improve your life

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Ten ways to quickly improve your life Many of our problems come from our mind. They are not the result of any event, failure, or other actions of people. They arise because of our bad mental habits. Get rid of these 10 behaviors immediately and get rid of the many problems caused by each of them: Do not make hasty conclusions. This habit can make life difficult in two ways. Firstly, we think we know what will happen, so disable their account, and begin to act on the basis of this assumption. People - whether prophets. Often, their assumptions are wrong, and here - are false and their actions. The second aspect of this habit - we think we know why other people do what they do, or what they think. And may be mistaken. It is this error destroys the relationship like no other. Do not dramatize. Many exaggerate the tragedy of small failures, and react accordingly. From the habit of making molehills generates anxiety, which either does not exist or are so small, that have nothing to worry about anything. Why did they do that? Who knows? May be to look and feel more important. In any case, this is as silly as it is detrimental. Do not invent rules. A huge part of all these "should" and "should" with whom you nosites, useless. All they give you, it's anxiety and guilt. Why? Following these imaginary rules, you score a brain unnecessary restrictions and childish orders. And when you try to transfer these rules on others, then turn into a frightening tiresome whiner or self-opinionated bigot. Avoid stereotyping and labeling. The words that you use, you can substitute. The language of negativity and criticism generates the same mindset. Trying to cram things into specific categories, you no longer see their real value, thereby limiting their thinking to the absolute futility. Look - it's there. Do not hang tags. You'll be surprised what you see. Do not be a perfectionist. Life is not only "black or white" or "all or nothing." Most of the "sufficient" means precisely enough. If you're looking for the perfect job, you probably had never been found. In this case, all other works will seem to you worse than they actually are. Will look for an ideal relationship, and will probably spend a lifetime in solitude. Perfectionism - a mental illness that will not allow you to enjoy, and will always be sending you in search of what is not. Do not generalize. One or two failures - still no sign of permanent failure. A random triumph does not make you a genius. A single event - good or bad - or even two or three events are not always indicate a protracted trend. As a rule, things are what they are, and nothing more. Do not take to heart. Most people, even your friends and colleagues do not speak, do not think and care about you 99% of the time. The people in your organization, or living next door even, perhaps, never about you and not heard. Yes, indeed, does not want to hear. Life rises and falls and heat and indifference other people do not have personally to you in any way. If they pretend it's only make you feel more miserable than you need. Do not believe the emotions. What you feel, not always a good indication of what's really going on. Just because you feel it, does not mean it's true. Sometimes emotions can serve as a source of fatigue, hunger, irritation, or just a cold. Do you feel you are doing well or poorly - the future will not change. Feelings may be true, but they are not the truth. Do not give in to apathy. Train to be an optimist. , If you expect bad things in life and at work, then you find them. Negative attitude - it's the same thing to look at the world through distorting, dirty glasses. You'll notice the only flaws, ignoring or not noticing anything else. It's just amazing how you can see what is not, if only to start looking. And, of course, if you start to look for the positive things you can find them too. Not live past. This advice is most important of all: forget and live on. Most of anger, frustration, unhappiness and frustration in the world comes from people holding past grievances and problems. The more you scroll through them in mind, the bigger they will seem, and the worse you will feel. Do not fight the disaster. Forget and live on. Do it, and thereby depriving him of power to hurt you.
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