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That can not make a young mother

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That can not make a young mother?

For a start we take for granted that the child does not need a nanny, and a loving mother. And loving not only the baby but also myself. What does this mean? Very simple. If you are interesting, calm and managed to get some sleep, then, can be balanced woman, and almost perfect mother for his child. But to be "complete" woman with a newborn baby in her arms can not be! - You say .- After the child is so much need, as in days of twenty-four hours! Correctly. And these twenty-four hours can be wisely distributed to find hours for recreation, hobbies and, of course, her beloved husband. What do young mother?

1. Breast-feeding

In order not to wrestle with, what, how and how much to feed the baby first half, chose to breast milk.

What can I do?

No need to buy nipples and bottles to sterilize them. No need to get up at night to warm the mixture to a desired temperature. Thus you will save time for your own restful sleep.
2. Feeding on demand

For a long time was supposed to feed babies on the clock. And my mother had to "hold out" until the time of feeding a crying baby in her arms. Modern pediatricians recommend feeding crumb when he is hungry - on demand.

What can I do?

Hours to calm the baby rather than give him the breast.

3. Sleep

Sleep is needed not only your child but you. It is an axiom. This means that you absolutely must make a joint night's rest with the child so that you both enough sleep.

What can I do?

No need to put your baby at night in a separate crib in the other end of the room. It is better to slide the crib close to his, and lower (or better remove) sidewall. When the baby wakes up, you can almost not waking up, pushed him to feed breast milk.

Of course, you can lay your baby in the parental bed. Although, I suspect, many doctors would be willing to argue with that statement. But it's your child. And if you and he's so convenient, why torture yourself, coming up with different conventions?

4. Bathing

Swimming - fun for both sides. But in exceptional cases, they can donate.

What can I do?

If your kid is not sweating all day, not crawling on the dirty floor, and so on. And you are very tired, sometimes you can skip the procedure of bathing or sponging to replace it with wet wipes. Moreover, contrary to some mothers and grandmothers in particular, water for bathing your baby can not boil.

5. Wash

Automatic washing machine - your friend and helper.

What can I do?

No need to wash clothes by hand. No need to boil it. Good enough baby powder to dispel all your fears about the purity of the diaper.

6. Ironing

Your baby will not notice, ironing his diaper or not, but just clean laundry is enough to protect the baby from bacteria.

What can I do?

Ironing diapers for infants, as well as the "prehistoric" boiling laundry safely gone, what the modern mother very happy. Knitted shirts, who are willing to buy my mother and have kids, the more you should not be stroked. They are quite shaken by removing from the washing machine and hang neatly. If you find that it is not a substitute for ironing, then, before you start the machine, turn off the drying or select a program of special care.

7. Cleaning

Cleaning can be practiced endlessly. And she has an amazing feature: Once you have cleaned the apartment, almost immediately begins to seem that you need to clean again and again.

What can I do?

Resist the temptation to clean the apartment perfect order and cleanliness. It is impossible. You'll spend a huge amount of effort, but most likely your work will not even be noticed. Do not engage in harvesting, when the child is sleeping, use this time for more important things. For example, lie on the couch with a favorite book. Vacuum and wipe the dust in the apartment, you can cook dinner, holding the baby in a sling. From his crib baby will also be pleased to see how you do farm. The main thing - you were always in sight.

8. Own Meal

Child dinner is not a hindrance.

What can I do?

You can eat well, when the child is not sleeping. So do not leave your baby with someone or alone, when she goes there. He was happy to keep you company, being next to you (for example, in the chair-carrying or on your lap). He will listen to their parents talk, knowing that his family is not only you but also other equally important and loved people.

9. Walking on the street

Walks are useful, but ...

What can I do?

Optional hours to travel about on the dusty town in the hope that the child will have time to breathe fresh air. Better time to time be selected on a half-day out of town or lay your baby to sleep on the balcony. Two or three hours devoted to himself, you are provided.

10. Precocity

On the one hand, early childhood development - that's great, but on the other ...

What can I do?

Not worth doing from a child Einstein, spending on methods of early development of half of free time. Select the simplest and the most you enjoy developing games. Feel free to experiment with the baby in two or three minutes several times a day - that is how much time your child will be ready to concentrate on tasks. Constantly talk to him: such communication for the baby is more important and more useful than a thousand modern production technology geeks.

11. The opinions of others

Learn how to choose companions.

What can I do?

Do not communicate with people who are continually willing to talk about the fears and problems associated with children. Choose girlfriends and female friends, and charged with positive energy, which will be sent to you. Avoid talking about anything: they "eat" a lot of forces that will be useful for communicating with your child.

To summarize: the child lives is not a hindrance.

Young mother does not necessarily have to be "squirrel in the wheel" and to abandon all but the household and care for the baby. The main thing - to organize time and to distribute their forces, and all you get!
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