That he was a bird - Decode your man
It has long been known that people, depending on when falling asleep and waking up, divided into "owls" and "The Lark". But these are two extremes, both white and black, between which there are many shades. In order to understand what kind of bird chirps merrily near you, find out when he (or) wakes up (without an alarm clock, and on "his heart"). Thus,
Up to 6.15. This, of course, a lark. He is energetic, hardworking, sociable, open to the world. He is quite comfortable in the home and at work. He was quite friendly, he has no enemies. In addition, he has never been criticized for life and considers himself a happy man.
6.15-6.30. Sinica. Personality restless, bright, which is constantly throwing someone call: boss, fate itself. The main thing in life for him - not to lose. If he has something fails, it is easy to become depressed.
6.30-7.00. Crane. Melancholic and introverted. Woven of contradictions: it can be as gullible to recklessness, and suspicious, doubt everything and everyone. Quickly tired of the repetitive work. Loves sports and gambling.
7.00-7.15. heron. Romantic, eagerly absorbing new experiences. He likes the excitement, the life of its leading spirit of competition and adventure. In this terrible owner: suspicious, jealous, domineering his opinion.
7.15-7.30. Jackdaw. Cunning and adventurous. Do not avoid scams and risky ventures. Losses and setbacks did not stop, on the contrary, cause to act more vigorously and ingenious. But as a rule, he carries - The fate of a very old lady to him favorably.
7.30-7.45. Raven, he sullen and closed up unsociability. May day does not go out and enjoy the solitude. The need to communicate with others of his rather annoying than pleasing. He loses his temper for any little things, and although people refer to it as xenophobic and egocentric, but can not help but notice his wisdom and sagacity.
7.45-8.00. Sokol. Bold and resolute. However, his fearlessness (in any field: even in unfamiliar dark alley, even before the change of work, at least for a fire) is not an imaginary, but quite natural. He was a born hero, but if life has no place feat, it does not bother him and plunges into depression, he might settle book adventures.
8.00-8.15. Orel. Lone hero. Bachelor with big macho instincts. Quickly erupts and cools rapidly. Observant, attentive, no detail escapes his attention. Extremely inquisitive, he is interested in both genetic engineering, and astronomy, and classical philology. Tidy up chistoplyuystva. Loves order and a sense of action in humans.
8.15-8.30. Nuthatch. Creativity and resourcefulness. Terribly fond of all sorts of puzzles, riddles and puzzles and come up with them himself. About him say: "inquiring mind>>" restless nature, "" restless "^ and it's true. Honest with yourself and the people, the words in the wind does not throw.
8.30-8.45. woodpecker. Creepy love of truth. Everywhere search for the truth. Natura hot and energetic. He has plenty of real enemies, and even more contrived by himself. He personally would have crucified Christ, if I were sure that it will save the order and peace. At the same time as he needed air of pity and understanding of the loved ones. Without the support of it easily falls into a depression.
8.45-9.00. Nightingale. Artist and poseur. Played anytime and anywhere. Constantly striving for beauty and harmony: in words, gestures, actions. Does not tolerate lies, cronyism, flattery. Loves elegance, sophistication. Anxiously watching mode.
9.00-9.15. Ivolga. Lover of delicious and unusual. Creative personality. He is very important, as it looks in the eyes of outsiders, it comes to narcissism. Several boasted talkative, may, when necessary, be a good speaker. Is easily another's influence.
9.15-9.30. Filin. A bit one-track, and thoughtful, but an honest, straightforward and diligent. Scribe and an altruist. Contemplative. If a person notices in thrift, the man for the owl dies. Never lies. Is able to coordinate their own actions with the norms of morality.
9.30 and later. owl. Combines the wisdom, the slowness and friendliness. Very good-natured and benevolent. None of it and never heard a rough word. A good friend and adviser. His erudition is supported by a developed intuition.