That look and read about our children?
Absolutely cool kids do not happen. Every child is sometimes angry, aggressive and unstable. Perpetrator of child tranquility are our excessive demands, all kinds of resentment, fear and many other things. Adults themselves often unwittingly sown in children anger and aggression. After the gun from which the firing was so desperate for you synulya, you did it and bought it. It is we, the adults, their hands are doing children angry. What watch and read about our children?
We produce and buy toys for them with ugly faces and disproportionate forms. We show cartoons with an abundance of negative characters. Sometimes themselves unable to answer a simple question of kids: "Oh, who's that?" And really - who? What does this "do not know who" will teach our child? Parents rarely think about it. The child is busy, does not distract us, and well, let looks. Of course, let them! And no wonder why suddenly my daughter wanted to become "supervedmoy", and his son - "a robot-destroyer, why the child was awake and crying at night and from its lexicon bad words! What is sown, it and reap!
Agree, it is unpleasant to hear that the baby will kill you, sawed, thrown out and the like. In doing so, you never did like him did not speak. Where he picked up? And everything is very simple - television. Very often we see programs and films in the presence of children. Detectives, crime investigation, horror, science fiction for kids poured a steady stream. Children can not look at the screen, just stay close and do their own thing. But they do not plug your ears! Words themselves stuck in their heads: "murder," "violence", "atrocity", "cruelty". Ill stick much faster than good. And that awful - shake of the head of this "trash" is very hard! As adults, children have not once encounter with evil. Childhood should be gold, if only because it flies very quickly and never return! We are able to revive the good fairy tale. New cartoon better view themselves first before showing it to the child. Heroes will be sure to let the good, friendly, cheerful. If there is a negative character (wolf, thief), you should pay attention to what he is, how to draw what he says. Even the villain should not cause a child's fear. The first time is better to watch a new cartoon together, as some moments may be incomprehensible or frightening a baby, and well, if you're near. Of great importance is the music used in the cartoon. It reinforces the impression. Too serious, pressing the music will leave a child feeling uncomfortable by what he saw.

By the way, about music. Kids love it. Therefore, we can unobtrusively include CDs with good children's songs, when the child draws or just playing. Music is easy in perception, and just enhances the mood and calms the nervous system. In addition, the child develops ear. Children's songs - always kind, cheerful, happy. Child will be very nice and helpful to listen to them. Especially in our own time, children sing quite Nedetskie songs: "Black Boomer", "Musi-pusi" and similar product with an uncertain text and not the best vocals. And ask your child to perform the song "Blue car" or "rubber hedgehog", and it turns out that he had not heard of such!
The child is interested in everything. But first of all what the interests of parents. Your child develops and absorbs what is around it. The situation surrounding the child's most direct influence on its development and perception of life. If a TV screen endlessly pours tense voice narration, telling about all imaginable and unimaginable horrors, if the machine has a child hears "Gaza" or "Tattoo" and, finally, if some of his toys is full of "little monsters", it is not surprising Just as the child expresses his negative emotions.
Poor-quality literature can not very well affect the peace of mind of the child. With all the variety of children's literature is difficult to choose a book with quality content and good-quality illustrations. Parents are hard to find contemporary artists who are not inferior to traditional Suteevu, Zahoder, Lunin, Mikhalkov, Plyatskovskomu, noses and many other great children's poets and writers, on products which you yourself have grown. Choosing a baby book, do not buy it because of the beautiful images too lazy to read the text.
Sometimes for good pictures lies entirely inappropriate content. And vice versa. Taking a book from the shelf a famous author, take a look at design. Some children's books are simply appalling unpleasant images of disfigured heroes. And so eager to see children not skewed and baring his teeth, and good and cute characters. And then the book will arouse the interest of the child, you'll be looking at pictures together and re-read it again and again. The result is a quietly privete his daze love of reading.