That should be considered in training and educating a child?
A small child is very flexible, sensitive, legkoobuchaem. He has a lot can be much larger than expected by psychologists and teachers so far. What should I consider in the training and upbringing of the child? " First, we must remember that children's growing bodies are not formed completely, a child's brain matures and its functional features more did not exist. Intensive physical and neuro-psychological costs lead to overload and fatigue, and this poses a risk to the health and future child development.
Second, studies show that the maximum effect in the opportunities the kid is achieved when learning skills and knowledge held in the form of games, observation, practical and fine arts activity.
Thirdly (and this is perhaps the most important), important systematic organization of the child's orientation to a particular sphere of reality. In the absence of purposeful education, when people care only about satisfying all the needs of a small child, not accustomed to it from the first years of life to perform the simplest duties to others, respect for the simplest of moral norms, inevitably there is a naive child's ego, which threatens to turn later to a much less naive and more more dangerous adult selfishness.
Egoism of the child is the result of deficiencies of education, a consequence of the limited social and moral experience of the child. Enrichment of this experience, perhaps through the organization of collective life and work of the little man, prompting him to cooperate with other children and adults. Considered not only with their uzkolichnymi interests, but also with the demands and needs of others. In early childhood, formed the most valuable spiritual properties and qualities, which will then in the golden fund of a mature personality.
Laughter and only
In man laid craving for comfort and serenity. And of course, children are not less than adult, bliss, when all is well. Concern arises automatically when the baby begins to face reality straight in violation of its cloudless existence. We must get up early. Spend long hours on the road. Follow their parents on business or to shop. All of these things delivered a baby weighing of negative emotions.
Crying and caprices pour out to the parents over and over again. What do parents do? Clenching his teeth, followed by his urgent plans under the screams and accusations of children. Such is modern life. How not to go crazy in a stream of days filled with stress? How to help your child to adopt the rules of existence? Perfect recipe you will not find one psychologist. But if you learn to make jokes or humor to treat situations where the rights negative emotions, you will at least be able to relieve stress for yourself and your child. We need only recall the time that laughter - the perfect remedy.

Another ancient philosopher Plato said: "Without the ridiculously impossible to know the serious, and in general the opposite is known through the opposite, if a person wants to be reasonable." I urge you to laugh when the baby cries and harassing you or others, but the joke - a good thing for both. Children are capable of being infected with a laugh already five or six months of his life. Yet they do not understand the words, but they laugh with us, succumbing to the mood.
Another question, how can you hold your emotions. Perhaps, at the first cries of a child you start to experience bouts of depression and aggression and are not able to squeeze out a smile. You simply lock yourself in your inner world, leaving the child alone with tears, or worse yet, nakrichite. Then we can expect similar behavior of the child in the future, because you are showing in fact that difficult situations are always accompanied by depression. And it's not. You can force a smile, even if not in the mood. Signal a smile be passed to the brain. The brain reacts to the facial expressions and include mood. This fact is scientifically proven. Do not be afraid to look silly! The man who cries, looks worse.
Role Model
-DO NOT know.
Son sat in front of a speech therapist in kindergarten. It was a routine conversation with all the children to determine the level of speech development.
-Serge, tell me ...
-In short, I do not know. None. I do not know.
-Please tell me ...
-I do not know! Mum says: I do not know, and I do not know.
Speech therapist:
"You know.
-No. I do not know.
Speech therapist:
-Tell me ...
"Do not tell. I do not know. No-che-ho!
Then, of course, with difficulty, but it is his call.
When I came for the child to the kindergarten teacher with a laugh, told me the story. We had concluded that he was hurrying back to the game and wanted to avoid a conversation with an obsessive speech therapist. In the evening I said to our father: "Your son - Stirlitz of the words do not pull." The real meaning of this "ignorance" was opened to me two weeks later. We spent the day with a baby in a car traveling in the city. He sat in the back seat, and I behind the wheel during the day a lot of talking on the phone. When we got out of the car, the son proudly said:
-Mama, I like you!
"What do you mean? - Ask.
-You know nothing. And I like you! Also did not know! - Happily he says to me.
I was so surprised by this statement! Sit down in front of him on his heels and say:
-Why did you decide that I do not know anything?
-You're always on the phone saying: "I do not know, I do not know." And I, my mother, like you, too, know nothing. No-che-ho! - Knocked me on the spot his son proud statement.
At this point, I realized with horror that, indeed, he constantly hears from me. Questions a husband when you get back, I say, "I do not know, in conversation with his mother -" I do not know'll pick or not, my friend - "do not even know what to do." Son decided that surely also did not know, and carried her image to the masses. That's why he had problems communicating with a speech therapist. It cost me a huge work to explain why I say so, and that his mother knows everything, and that all know - that's good! Now I carefully watch to see how I talk in his presence. They all do as we are!
Three year old girl I know wears a skirt, because her mom at work always dressed that way. Baby can walk around the house bare-chested, but wearing a skirt. Is her idea of feminine proportion. My son, forgive me for details at the same three years, proudly standing in front of the toilet and did not allow myself never to write while sitting, since I accidentally saw my father. One little girl secretly painted her mother's lipstick and the other a tomboy conceals a three-story courtyard mat cat zabivshegosya under the bench. Third blackmails mom: if you did not "something", then I'm not "that" ... All of these behaviors are happy to get their kids from their parents.
-Oh, do not know what to do with it! He's very naughty! - In the same moment the son suits and demanding says:
-So, what are we here, we shall live, or what? Huh? I ask you? Did you ever go home?
-You see, unbearable!
Yes, and where will he have?
-I do not know - I sigh wearily. And then he turns to him .- So! Come throw this byaku you get sick or something, you want to? Huh?
We surprised them. But we do not see the slightest connection between our own behavior and their desire to be like us. Meanwhile, even the smallest detail, delivered you from the typical intonation can then proudly played the baby in any comfortable situation. We are one hundred percent for them a role model. Now we are talking about the behavior and manners. Therefore, learning good manners and proper behavior in society is necessary to start their own good example.
This does not mean that if you have an intellectual family, your child will never be yelling in the street. In a stressful situation the kid is not able to control emotions, but in normal circumstances it will simulate the behavior peculiar to the parents - to command, to discuss, organize, work hard, have fun, languidly sitting in the corner. Already boleestarshem age appear idols and new role models. But the model, which lies in the deep childhood, will be the most stable and undergo only minor changes.