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The Belt of Venus

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The "Belt of Venus

The "Belt of Venus" will create around men or women The Love ring erotic attraction. This, of course, exercise. From the first time it does not work, but too much modesty, it will not work at all. But if a person carefully trained, after a while it will not only erotically attractive, but also energetically powerful love object.

The first stage

Exercise must perform every day - morning and evening, and in spare moments during the day. What should I do? One must learn to correct for this exercise, breathe. How to do it? In a standing position, increase the number of breaths to 30-40 breaths per minute - this is orgasmic breathing. In this case, should vibrate lower abdomen, creating a vibrational motion of inhalation and exhalation. This exercise is needed to perform not less than three minutes with three passes. Three minutes fulfilled, gave himself a moment to rest. The next three minutes to do exercises after a pause, rest repeat the third cycle of three-minute breathing exercises.

Second stage

You start it after perfected breathing exercises. What should I do? By breathing exercise should be added to the next item. When you inhale and stomach tenses of breath, immediately strain your muscles of the genitals, as if drawing them into the body. During exhalation we relax the abdominal wall and thus relaxes the muscles of the perineum. Exercise is carried out in three minutes in three passes.
The third stage

Start to perform after a successful second phase. Breathing remains the same, the oscillatory motion of the stomach before, but at the same floor muscles remain "in the inner castle." They should be hard-clenched, as if drawn into the body, not only on inspiration and time. Hold them in such a state should at all stages of respiration. Relaxation is possible in a moment of relaxation between the respiratory phases. With the swoop this exercise will not do. By long, laborious training in humans is changing the sexual energy, changing erotic behavior. After you learn a person is changing exercises around the erotic atmosphere. Man becomes interesting as a sexual partner.

The names of our Slavic ancestors there is an allusion to the fact that men in ancient times experienced the highest sensual experience. Let us remember the names of the male deities: Pereplut, VA, pleasures, Jarilo - they are arranged in ascending order voluptuous sensations of men. Take at least a tale of Ivan Tsarevich, who was originally Ivanushka fool and his woman left him. Just his way of perfection, overcoming various obstacles, it becomes a fairy tale at the end of Ivan Tsarevich, the winning Koshchey Immortal and the rich, who saved Vasilisa the Beautiful in its cold embrace. In this allegorical tale says that the internal forces of sexuality need to improve that by erotic skill could save his beloved from the cold shackles of hell. There are cases when the cast material sufficiency and go for a vibrant and colorful love. It happens!

Path erotic asceticism led to an erotic incivility. Chopping off the head of his sexuality (the dragon), the man "castrates" themselves in the sensual sphere, from which it could draw energy if it has learned to manage it. Do not be proud of erotic asceticism. Say that the man reined in the sexual instinct, it is possible, if it is an instinct like a wild horse, which he learned to control how Ivanushka fool has learned to manage Sivko Bourke, and she in turn gave him two wonderful horses.

Forbearance or insensitivity?

Modern people are proud of their insensitivity, calling it abstinence. You can only restrain that continually asks out. If sexuality is asleep, we can humbly admit that you castrate erotic rather than telling stories about the victory over the mystical dragon sex. In order for the evolution of people went, it's time to admit that asceticism is often mistaken for lack of sexual interest, which is achieved by means of psychological suggestion, the change of moral ethics, leading to aversion to sex. We can not deny that the sexual instinct for a man is the only way to get rid of Hellfire, which is flushed from the flesh.

Femininity, elevated to the status of an erotic attraction in itself is an incentive awakening male instincts. Female appearance, particularly breast, causing drug memories of mother's milk. Sexuality - a voluptuous mystery about which modern humans are sometimes lost representation. Lust brings the most intense emotions. The need for absolute trust and simultaneously destructive jealousy, the desire to dissolve into the favorite and the fear of losing their identity. Anyone who has not experienced anything like it, and hid their sexuality for the seven seals, turned this area into an ugly erotic incivility.

A woman should make people pay attention to what it lacks - sexuality or self-sufficiency. Purpose - to develop a two components, then the woman becomes a priestess of love, and pulls the man from hell in cold blood. When it becomes fertile mystical Goddess of love and give bloom outside world, only then it will be a real man and half will be lit in the cauldron of passion. If the woman remains insensible, she would have to wander the earth alone and unwanted. For a woman to become whole being, and sexual and self-sufficient, it must first awaken our instinctive part, then realize the spiritual part of self-sufficiency and to reunite the two entities.

Male - whole being. Waking up a woman separates from it only part of the enjoyment of the highest, thus making it weak. Therefore, many modern men are a little revenge on his partner during sex. Men attract women to the merger, but declined when they are ready to merge with them. Men dominate the women, but vozhdeleyut those who disobeyed. Men pay attention to other partners, without giving his girlfriend a chance to relax, "rewarding" her all sorts of complexes. They act unconsciously, have a sense of superiority mixed with a sense of guilt before a woman for being unable to make their love burn steady flame. She then goes out, then breaks out again.

Today, man is a sexual woman teacher, and he is forced to act tough, when it deviates from the path to perfection (integrity). Man will never regret a woman is far from perfect, and always, I do not understand why, try to quit. Whole Woman becomes invulnerable, and the men never leave the whole of women, calling them witches, witches, goddess. How would a man not called a woman he vozhdeleet her in our thoughts and reality.
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