The Eleventh House in birth chart
Many successful relationships and alliances, full of passion. If the damage is on the contrary, it is very dangerous communication frustration. Makes an ideal split. Helps to find support. Foster's advertising and plans. Friendship can be a highlight important achievements.
Indicates the possibility of participation in politics; construction plans, an active and friendly life. Family life is narrowed in this position, the person is in the center of the movement he leads. New friendly communication, a change of feelings, friendship, warmth, joy in life. If the damage is the opposite.
Allows you to actively build many plans, but does not give them the realization, stability requires reliance on friendship or support of the public (lectures, teaching, etc.). Allows you to on an intellectual level affect the public only fleetingly (journalism, etc.). Sympathies are established through letters.
Plans relating to love. Friendship and love may be closely related. Can also affect the marriage of the child. Tendency to sympathy and satisfaction.
Unhappy relationship with his buddies. In women, birth, delivery failures, the possibility of abortion, miscarriage. Challenging the risks come from partners or friends. Political Activities and Mars plans. Probably the Mars Social House VII and XI provokes important achievements and impact on others.
Expansion of personal contacts, favorable development status and plans. Strong ambition, but also a major means for their satisfaction, if Jupiter is strong. This provision is preferable to the sun above the horizon or at its zenith. Help comes from friends. Inclines to social activities (eg, advocacy, policy, etc.). Saturn is not favorable for friends. With a very good aspects of attraction to older people. Relationship with Saturniantsami. Attracts a policy or philosophy, etc. Harm to children and pleasures, gives solidity and tenacity in the plans.
Penchant for eccentric connections, the danger of the friends. This provision is obviously good and develops the best side of Uranus. It diversifies dating and brings help from your friends.
Friends neptunianskoy Nature (drunkards, bohemians, liars, cheaters, etc.). Can mean the flight or departure of another. Volatility plans or ideal, followed by a long follow. Neptune is in opposition to the Moon in V's house: far from the ideal of union interference.
Introduction to plutoniantsami. Fatal nature of the relationship.