The Love Potion
How many times have we heard that a girl friend, "a little gray mouse, nothing of myself can not imagine easily seduced another partner, who is clearly not designed for it. You can just say that this girl there is full of sexual energy. Given to her from birth, or accumulated in the course of cultivation, or acquired through sexual magic. Which, in essence, is the difference? The main thing is that her sexual energy radiates into the world called love. And this call, sounding in thin areas, feel all the men surrounding her. So, The Love Potion :
Recipe for "love call"
To make your aura came from the call of love, taking a bath or washing in the bath, use a sponge of a fern. It should be collected in mid-summer, preferably during the summer solstice, during this period the grass most magichny and saturated energy of life, namely, it is the energy of love. Fern must be twisted together into a kind of donut that he does not turn around. Should not bind him with ropes, otherwise you will be unpleasant to them polished. Twisted swaddle of ferns are best dried in a dark, well ventilated area. After drying, the fern should not change the color, then there must remain intensely green. Before bathing in a bath or shower put a fern in a moderately hot water, so that he could "get drunk". After a while the sponge is ready. Rub it must be pure body from the bottom up. After rubbing should not be rinsed with water, juice soak fern should be a body. If you regularly use these washcloths, then after 4-5 rubbing the eyes of men are directed at you closer to the ordinary and secret love in the eyes of the question.
Recipe for a bouquet for the bedroom "
Decorate your bedroom with bouquets of the following composition:
- Stems with flowers of valerian.
- Birch branches.
- The branches of sagebrush.
Herbs are best collected during the summer solstice. To dry and protected from the sun site. Beautifully decorated bouquets need to place the corners of the room. They are energetically balanced influence sleeper. If you can not take the bouquets all four corners, then weave a wreath of the following plants, and decorating it, hang in the headboard. You will feel the energy that will send you the grass: In the morning you will start to wake up more rested, but after a while you start to stare at men (women). You will need only to choose the most worthy.
Herbs - stimulators and activators of libido
Stimulant and a beautiful love drink. Brewed as tea, the rate of 1 tsp. 1 cup boiling water. Insists (you can in a thermos). Used in the form of heat in two stages with an interval of 30 minutes. It is best to take it with a partner, adding the tarragon (1-2 sprigs), a little root feverweed (2-3 pinches) and honey to taste.
Petrov cross
Normal chicory, which evolved an amazing legend. It was thought if a sprig of chicory disrupt the day of St. Peter and touch it to a loved one, in his heart bloom a beautiful flower of love to you. Chicory root, collected after flowering, dried in an oven until golden, fried on a griddle and brewed like coffee. Legends of the legends, but spicy-bitter dark drink will give you a feeling of youth and a sense of recovery of sexual activity. If chicory is alternated with a coffee or a little to add in coffee, you'll notice that love will be more fiery and loving mergers become more frequent.
Use the young shoots, which are eaten raw - just lightly sauteed in butter - two or boiled with spices - three. Prepare and nodules, which are boiled and eaten like potatoes. In the old days it was considered a very strong stimulant, and even used as a remedy for impotence. In Sweden still use horsetail as a means of impotence. And not only in national but also in the official medicine. If fresh spring shoots of horsetail include regularly in the diet, frying in butter, your sexual energy will always remain the norm. Around you will create an aura of loving attraction. If this dish is to add finely chopped young pine cones and pine nuts, then this salad can be regarded as the elixir of love.
Cocktail of pine nuts
Finely milled pine nuts mixed with a small amount of honey, add the milk and drink half a cup once a day. For men, this cocktail is practically indispensable, especially during periods of loss of strength and sexual exhaustion. Eating cedar drink the spring and fall, the man will be immune from the stresses associated with a reduced potency.
Studies have shown that goutweed affects the adrenal glands and circulatory system. After receiving an extract from goutweed sperm count and its density increases significantly within a few hours. In addition, the dilation of blood vessels and increases blood volume, which cause the biologically active components goutweed are very useful for erectile dysfunction. Uses only young, green and shiny and scarcely unfolded shoots goutweed. It can be added to salads or used in place of carrots for soups. Goutweed brew and drink with green tea. Try it, and the result will not take long.
Orchis and Lyubka orchid (rocket)
It is impossible not to recall these Russian orchids - their tubers contain a strong aphrodisiac. From the dried and powdered tubers cook love potion as follows: 1 tsp. Powder frayed tubers boiled in milk for 5 minutes, add a little cinnamon and ginger root. Let it brew and then drink. Firming results are guaranteed. And the presence in the beverage of three very powerful aphrodisiac leads him to the rank of "stunning" of sexual orientation.
Egg pod yellow or white water lily
Has a similar effect. The only thing BUT! The roots of these plants are not poisonous to about June 25. After this period they begin to accumulate harmful substances. The roots are dried in the oven until golden brown, grind into powder and cook (the rate of 1 tsp. Powder in 100 ml of water) on low heat for about 20 minutes. The smell of impending broth will resemble the smell of urine. Do not worry ahead of time - the smell of the finished drink will be neutral. After steeping carefully strain and add honey and a few grains of cardamom. Drink highly recommend you and your partner. Drinks containing aphrodisiac, you should not drink alone. The action comes quickly, and what will you do if your partner is at this point is sleeping or working the night shift?