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The Moon in Virgo

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Moon in Leo 4
With Progressive Moon in Leo you will express your feelings in a dramatic manner, and wherever located natal moon as it passes through this sign, you'll be much more emotionally open and romantic. smug and self-assured than usual. This is the time when you're not a rave, not something to crave some expressive role, especially if your natal moon is lit sign. You'll want to applaud you to your glory and love, and will seek to resolve this through events in the house that carries the moon.

The Moon in Virgo

This progression can lead you to the health condition of employment, especially in the area, which corresponds to the skills associated with diet, as well as the decrease and increase in weight. At another level, you will feel that it is time to organize themselves, and you'll want something clean, tidy and organize your household, and (or) duties. Experience and knowledge acquired pronounced, and it becomes natural to you to absorb the images like a sponge, and you will be very easy to accumulate data in its memory the Moon in Libra.
Your need to entertain, engage in other motion of the moon through the scales increase, you'll be set up to contact with society, with its partners. You'll often set up in a comradely, open and will have. Desire to satisfy others. If the Moon makes some tense aspects, then you will probably be a brawl, or enter with someone in a collision, but at the time of the conflict you will feel disgust and embarrassment. If you are naturally hesitant and often feel in doubt, this situation will strengthen these qualities, and you should be more careful that you do not use is not very honest with questionable types of plans and strange desires.
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