The Seventh House
In accordance with the position of the sun in Radix indicates the attitude towards the environment and the fate of partnerships and marriage. Indicates a social activity and magnetic forces will impact on others, if Radix saturated by solar power. Higher event is always a man's life upside down, but it is designed to turn the life of another.
Very changeable, depending on the impact of aspects. The desire for self-actualization, crises, divorces. The decisive year, if the moon is in Radix in the I House. In this case, a very strong influence. Women: pregnancy, childbirth, especially if the moon exactly on the boundary of the house. Declines to sign contracts with the crowd and gives unexpectedly arriving fleeting popularity.
Marks the arrival of sophistication and depth of the mind. The mind comes to the public or allow others to understand if this is the indication in Radix. Perhaps a written impact on the other; literary collaboration. Meeting with merkuriantsem. The threat of the process.
Allows the lure of another, or win it in word or personal charm. Period tenacious magnetism. Can acquaint with the opposite sex, having the nature of Venus. In general, relationships with others based on conquest and seduction. Strong impact on others. Faithfulness in this position is almost absent, even if Venus is in a fixed sign. Lively social activities.
Under favorable aspects: intensification of interpersonal relationships, the success of the action initiatives and assertive action. Actions relate to others. Public plans or external activities take precedence over private life. What symbolizes Mars Radix, is at the mercy of others.
YupiterUluchshenie position. Useful contacts and promotion to the higher social strata. Allows you to make or accept the legitimacy of other places to a position that puts religious plan, teaching, legal plan, etc. Usually gives a reasonable mediator or beneficial role of mediator. If Jupiter is in the triad in the Radix, you can start the artistic, political, or the like careers, contracts with foreign countries, etc.
May indicate a crisis in marriage or in the profession. Typically, this external obstacles,
that must be overcome, or isolation. Can point to scientific work, knowledge, under appropriate guidance in the Radix.
Romantic effect in accordance with the Radix. If the Radix Uranus in the house I:
favorable or unfavorable (in accordance with aspects), erotic connection; in V's house: a special influence on love affairs, etc. Always, however, tensions, conflicts in relationships with others.
Relationships with others are fastened on the basis of a common ideal. May remove a spouse or of the woman or her departure. Possibility of deception and betrayal.