The Sun in a solar house horoscopeStresses the importance of the year. Usually, the person said about this period as a turning point, the beginning of a new life cycle. Activates the vitality and creative energy, the desire for independence. Often, especially in the horoscopes of the young people, marks the beginning of an independent or nearly independent life: the end of school and enter university, and the beginning of the end of his working life, changing life orientation. Reinforces the desire to express themselves, realize their potentials. When positive aspectation favors personal activity, increase assessments by others. Radix of the house in which it has the Sun, will stand its significance. Become important as home affairs, which controls the sun in the solarium. These topics are very dedicated to this year. Usually, if the lion in the solarium is included mark the event, the blurred, not showing, and solar characteristics of human behavior and his self-awareness are practically absent.