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The Tenth House in birth chart

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The Tenth House in birth chart
 Social and community recovery. Under unfavorable aspects of the serious conflicts in the profession and recognition of merit. Can afford to dominate the problem or put it before public opinion, ie in full light. Bad aspects of Saturn or Pluto would harm his father in the female subject or the mother in the male subject.

 Important position for a politician or an artist, having affairs with the public, because gives popularity. The emergence of what stands the house in which the radical Moon. For example, the radical Moon in the VI house Moon in the treatment of X: a person takes on a maid service. Moon in the VI house in Scorpio or aspect to Pluto could indicate that the housekeeper or secretary becomes his mistress. Especially important if the Moon in Radix is the corner house.

 Distinguishes the case, promised in Radix houses, dominated by Mercury, for example, organization of trade, distribution of a literary work, cooperation, etc. Fleeting effect, except when Mercury is in a constant sign.

 Distinguishes the facts, the promised Radix, and depends on the space from planet status. An important focus of instinctual life and love. Environment conducive to women's men, his mother (his father in a female subject). May indicate the happiness in the profession, in relation to personal and social relationships.

 Under favorable aspects: military pressure on the successful use of social status. Practice shows renewed vigor and activity. It is also possible idleness, laziness and carelessness. When the bad aspects: collision and exhausting conflict, the danger to the mother.

  Jupiter's success in the profession and the social public relations. For women: childbirth. It may be noted the success of his uncle. Generally, the contact with the law, favorable or not, depending on perspective. If a person engages in public or commercial affairs, raise, promotion allows us to obtain capital.
 With a good position of Saturn: the stability and strength. Fruits of the efforts is the knowledge or power (or election to public authorities). Gives the importance of the signs Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, and all the factors based there. The increase in ambition and power over others. But it is not conducive to neither his family nor children, nor youth, nor love. The main event may relate to the mother (males) or father (in women).

 New ideas and plans in the affairs of the profession; desire for change. Something unexpected dominates life, career-related. When triad Jupiter unexpected offer teachers profitable in monetary terms. Kvinkonks with the moon: the teaching of children. In general, points to a sudden realization envisaged by the Radix. When sextile with Venus in VIII house: an unexpected meeting with a man.

 This angular position indicates that a person can persistently follow a chimera, then it indicates a professional orientation (okuultnye sciences, chemistry, special services, etc.). In other cases, this influence of mysticism or treatment (eg, adherence to an extremist party).

 Individual actions can have a sexual basis, or affect a magnetic effect on the other. Usually part of a provision should disappear or evolve. In the Radix is a floating facts signaled by Pluto in the Radix. The importance of sexuality and what that death.
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