The advantage of working on their own land
If you have decided that life is a failure, because you're not doing that gave moral and material satisfaction, if you live in the city and do not know how to fulfill themselves, we encourage you to move to the countryside, where you can earn by their labor. Many, after the proposal made a grimace of discontent. But even if he stays a few people who will pull to the ground, then it is for them and we will tell you about the benefits of working on their own land or on land leased for a certain time (you can even not going anywhere, but to work outside the city).
Certainly, to grow their labor fruits and vegetables - this is not something to buy them on the market. Here, every bush is a way, even the most run-down, because it is embedded in your own work. In addition, now is not you the buyer, and you will buy. Even if you do not have a job, you'll never have to sit out of money. In order to understand if you can work on the ground, take to start a few hundred square meters, try that you'll get. Do not handle the many cultures at once, for example, Put the potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. Suppose that in the first year of the harvest will be small, but a few pounds of vegetables you can sell. You will have a passion, and you'll want next year to get an even bigger harvest.
Centuries of experience has shown that a person who knows the work on the ground, who had never left, he pulls her like a magnet. Apparently, this feeling of oneness with the earth we inherited from our ancestors. It is no secret that Russia is still there industries whose development is ahead. And by the way, you can write your name in the process, of course, if you consider yourself a highly motivated person with a great intellectual potential. We know that you're just this and is only themselves to believe it. What do you think our proposal to breed any animal ever? Need time to understand that livestock - an industry that can produce good profits for the smart host. As a result, you will not just work and labor of love, and, importantly, jobs for others. In case you can take your friends, even those who react to the idea of breeding beast with disbelief, but then they become your reliable partners.

We're not talking about what you should rent the whole farm, just not at all on it enough money. A purchase for the first time 40-50 chickens and the necessary amount of food for them (if you do not have enough money, it's time to connect friends, well, if they are somehow connected with the plant for the production of feed), but first prepare a warm place for your pet to the cold season they are not frostbitten beak and legs. Suggest that the chickens in the feed to add fertilizer domestic production "Sunshine", and for chicken is well-suited "Ryabushko. In the end, you'll not only have good meat, but eggs, and both are in demand among the population, which means you will not be left without money or work. Organizing a small business, you will lead the new acquaintances. Then you have two options: either you use them to take up the initiative, or be able to realize themselves in a new field.
"The work - not a wolf in the forest will not run away" - proverb says. But nevertheless often turns out to be the opposite. Nowadays you can easily find themselves without work. The reasons may vary: dismissal, reduction, conflict or any other disorder, small wages, etc. An important fact. Anyway you are plunged into the search for a new suitable location. However, your search was too long, and gradually your life optimism began to fade. If your job search dragged on for a longer time than you expected, and remained infertile for many months, even years, you still do not despair. You always have to find something for the soul in the countryside. You never felt that sensation of the city, choking smoke of factory chimneys and cause an asthma attack gas cars evoke sadness? Is it time to return to the fresh country air and natural products?
For the serious individual cases in rural areas where there is always a turn around in it and have the advantage of working on their own land. You can be free to the farmer, the owner in the full sense of the word. Possible to breed a variety of vegetables, or selling products of natural economy. Good income can bring breeding chickens, ducks, geese, goats, rabbits, pigs, calves and other animals. This is an exciting experience not only generate revenue but also can become a real business. A good profitable trade in rural areas can become breeding bees. But it should be taken into account: beekeeping - a serious matter. It is - science, where you can learn practically all my life. Of course, the lessons of this kind require more than a serious approach. Haste in this case does not yield the desired results. However, think carefully about the pros and cons, it is possible to do this unusual business.