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The art of failure

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The art of failure

There are dating that you should not continue. And there are those who are not even worth starting. If the man, who drew attention to you, did not cause you have absolutely no positive emotions is to say just one short word "no." Unfortunately, not all girls are capable of it ... Not every girl is able to refuse. Some are simply afraid of seem insensitive. Others - that will miss his chance at personal happiness. Others do not want to look moody fifami. The fourth simply can not find polite words. Yet, no matter how it distasteful sensitive nature of women, refuse to be acquainted. Why give the young man vain hope, if you know in advance that you will not be released? Are you most like to be in place of the person trying to fool your head? Probably not. So what if the man you did not like the nerve.

An important question is: how? Of course, the best tact and courtesy, and this is the art of denial . Should not be unnecessarily hurt another's feelings. Here are a few polite rejection of options that will help you not to hurt the young man, but did not give him false hopes. In response to the "Girl, we can meet you?" You can say:

"I would love to, but my husband / boyfriend is unlikely to approve.
-Thanks, that drew attention to me, but I am not free.

No, sorry, I did not get acquainted in the street / club / on the job.

-I am very pleased your attention, but I'm in a hurry. Sorry.

It happens that this man did not calm down, naively believing that a woman's "no" means "maybe". "Maybe, in turn, is" yes. " If the fan becomes obtrusive and continues to try to meet you, there's no point spar with him, arguing that it is not feminine coquetry and that you really do not want acquaintances. Just go away. Of course, if you can. If you're in an enclosed space and you cut off the path of retreat, just shut up and got off suggestions monosyllabic "yes" or "no", "I do not know."

Although it is sometimes tempted to send a brazen and hamovatogo man at the address indicated on each fence, do it all, we should not, think about the art of denial . Not for reasons of ethics, but for reasons of personal safety. Little did anyone that in mind ... So be careful in dating ...
Indecent Proposal
In fact, the very fact that you noticed a strange man, a very beneficial effect on women's self-esteem, and therefore any acquaintance, no matter what it ends up, is a pleasant thing. But there are such cases ... Alas, not all young people can learn gallant and witty. Some refer to such passages, which, honestly, you'd better not fit at all! What to do with not the most tactful fans? Do I need to direct their otshivat? And what to say in response?

Wacky dating have several varieties. Arsenal obscenities. For example, a young man comes to you with some poshlenkim a compliment or an unambiguous sentence. And if not missing you, grasp the body part. In the latter case, it makes sense to immediately send a hapless suitor in three-letter addresses. After all, someone who did not hesitate to violate your intimate, personal space by touch is likely to be too confident. You never know what will come to him to do without asking.

People of this type can easily see the sexual appeal of anything like a mini-skirt. Sometimes they even try to forcibly persuade hardly know the girl into sex, citing the fact that "she suggested itself" and "she wanted, and therefore dressed up like a whore." From such admirers best to stay away. If the guy turns to you with a vulgar politeness, you can completely ignore it.

True, one of my girlfriend, Dasha, just so contrived to tie a serious relationship with a very promising bachelor. Dasha was pretty and sexy. Studied at the department of psychology and moonlighted on the dancer in a nightclub. It was generally inveterate party girl. Then one day, sipping a cocktail in a trendy nightclub, Dasha met him. A very famous pop singer. Dasha, of course, curiously askance at celebrity, but no action is taken. And so she was absolutely shocked when Mr superstar sat behind her table. As in a fairy tale!

True, on a fairy tale took a dubious turn, because the pop singer said: "Well you have a buffer." Dasha was speechless. But, fortunately, not for long. At this point it woke up a psychologist.

-So why did you say? "- She said with a calm smile .- I myself know that I have normal buffer. Maybe I'll show you an old-fashioned hillbilly, but I prefer to me acquainted more traditionally. And all sorts of sexual subring, frankly, just hurt my feelings. Well, why did you say?

-I wanted to make a compliment - confused pop star.

-I understand, and I am grateful to you. But why make banal compliment?

So, word for word, they began to talk. Twenty minutes later, Dasha has learned that the superstar problems in his personal life. That he had no one obtained the relationship for longer than one night. That he was very lonely. Dasha brightened his lonely just seven months. However, even after breaking up, they continue to make friends and socialize.
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