The average single woman
Look around. Of written beauties with a figure model and without any material problems can be counted on the fingers. And yet, many ladies, and often with non-winning appearance, can meet men, which perhaps can be imagined. Why do they all so well composed? In the end, you're no worse, but something even much better. Sociologists have made a portrait of the average Russian contemporaries. As they say, feel the difference. Or maybe you still have more in common? Her image - the starting point of our strategy.
Her personal life
The average single woman in no hurry to tie the knot up to thirty years in the early years either alone or has a steady boyfriend, with whom relations are not legally decorated. And yet, wants to get married. And prefer stormy life alone with the persistence of novels stability of marital relations. However, being married and working - and it should be a career, allowing not only earn but also to hang out, that is to have its own "little corner of heaven", which does not necessarily prevent her beloved husband. But in whatever position she was, she sorely lacking cordiality. Her man - it's not bad (more than she) earn comrade, who is absolutely no time to talk with a friend and writing romantic poems in her honor, but there is always time for sex. The thought of children in such a turbulent time, our heroine in a trance, but in principle it is ready to have a child at any age - even at seventeen years old (so it has grown rapidly and could easily take his own life), although in fifty years (when all that is wanted already done, and can devote all my time baby, and unspent tenderness).
Her work
Previously it was thought that should by all means join the team and maintain good relations with superiors all the existing methods. Our lady prefers to have a high salary and rapidly advance in employment to the detriment of good against colleagues and the reputation of "soul collective" does not value.
With regard to their own status, then there have been significant changes compared with previous times. Our "Cinderella" does not like to be subordinate to a gray mouse. And for the bright coloring of skins ready to make even substantial stress: she wants to be either superior, possessing great power and great responsibility - for ourselves and for others, or work outside the state, when the only responsible for myself and all the highs and lows - only yours.
Same thing with the salary - for the sake of improving our heroine is ready to run from morning till night. Head should be primarily a professional - but not as much as before: "if only there was a good man." And so it is natural that go to bed with him for a promotion, our lady considers beneath his dignity. So, probably, the greatest stress waiting for our heroine in the workplace and in money matters.
If the City Council adopt a law allowing only run one of the spouses, based on their income and prospects, the Russian woman of the third millennium would prefer to stay home. Let the working man.
The only exception were married women over forty, living in the province. Immediately imagine unfortunate creature's wife, who lives on a "morning drink - the whole day free." Such a lot the house will bring. Better to let the kids overage nurses.
Her well-being
The question, for what they do need the money, was resolved almost unanimously: to feel independent. Despite the fact that in the "emotional score (rating scale from" delighted "to" terror ") classified as" horror "was held just salary, money for our heroines are not the main concern of life. Hooray! In general, our lady Mercantile, but honest. On the one hand, between three thousand dollars and losing weight to size with no restrictions in eating it in 80% of cases chooses money. This is logical: she rightly believes that if there is a considerable amount of weight loss and not a sin - in fact any sports club and all diet products at its disposal. In addition, because you can not wear a dress by Versace to the priest, whose dimensions are dissatisfied. On the other hand, it would not put it in his pocket fell from the purse of a wealthy-looking men are 500 rubles - but on the contrary, it will run to catch up. However, and this may have a fair share of Mercantilism: An excellent way to meet a wealthy man. However, it has a rather contradictory: he wants to gave favorite poems of his own, and not gigantic diamond. Yes, and what to do with something if it gigantic dimensions - on the neck to hang?
The average single woman more serious than frivolous: a large amount, resulting in, say, an inheritance, she would have invested in property instead (it is young, green) scroll to foreign countries and boutiques. Giving to charity is even more so this amount does not want.
Its environment
Head of our heroine definitely has to be a man, a doctor is uniquely female. If on my answering machine it detects several messages to immediately call back, the first thing to take care of Mom (call to parents), second - about the best friend. Each divides an honorable third place with his superiors. (Remember, we are talking only about the unmarried ladies.) Requirements for a friend is simple: it must always tell the truth (even if this is true looks like crap) and must keep its secrets. A report on changes in her partner is not required.
Her body
The most favorite part of the body of our ladies - the legs, followed by the chest. In general, our old trend - the Russian woman, a cook in his lifetime ing older, so it is vague, in spite of the incredible beauty and harmony in their youth. Accordingly, the attitude towards one's own body changes with age. In the 19 years she has of her body in ecstasy, in 40 - in shock. The younger women, so they are more determined to undergo plastic surgery (especially those who have a permanent partner or husband). Obviously, no one eats alone baldness on the double chin, or married are ready to exploit for the sake of a loved ...
Her dreams of happiness
And finally - of happiness. To be happier, our heroine needs more love. And a little more free time. And self-confidence.
Here we turned a beautiful lady. We think that is very nice and modern. Very optimistic (though without enthusiasm calf), in general, pleased with herself (although not devoid of self-criticism share) and no self-respecting (but not snooty), active (but do not want to take someone else's responsibility), free and independent from all (except beloved, of course) pragmatic (in moderation) and mental (immensely). Know yourself? If you have not met the portrait, that's okay. In the end, the main thing - identity. It is recognizing your own uniqueness, you will be easier to find your "half".