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The basis of a harmonious personality

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The basis of a harmonious personality

Disharmonious people are dependent on external factors. Simultaneously, they are the environment in which developing adverse events, including financial and other crises. Experience shows that the disharmonious personality, the more it is exposed to various crises, and the more it is involved in their emergence. Harmony of man, by contrast, is always in the more favorable conditions, even during a global crisis. Here's an example for all to see. In the U.S. presidential elections took place. And one can say with confidence that the crisis has helped Barack Obama to become the highest official in the state. It was obvious that he is more harmonious and more consistent with modern outlook. Therefore, Barack Obama, and could offer a more balanced way of development of society. The crisis has exposed the problems of society, and Americans believe that Barack Obama is known for a way to overcome the difficulties. If there was no crisis is not yet known if he was elected U.S. president.

Harmony of man is always in the more favorable conditions, even during a global crisis. In the U.S. presidential elections took place. And one can say with confidence that the crisis has helped Barack Obama to become the highest official in the state. It was obvious that he is more harmonious and more consistent with modern outlook. The typical conversation took place with one employer, with whom we have previously worked together in his outlook and inner harmony. As time passed, people have followed my recommendations and the result has made great strides. And then I meet him during the crisis and ask: "How does the crisis in your work?" He responds with a smile: "What crisis? I did not notice it pass me by. " This is the position of a harmonious person, as if "hovering" over the crisis. And so everyone can live.

Mental and spiritual maturity - the foundation of a harmonious personality . Harmony of the person directly connected with the psychic and spiritual maturity of the person. On this, as a rule, pay little attention even psychologists. But the question of the basis of a harmonious personality is crucial. Mental maturity of man is expressed according to the psyche and the degree of social realization of its biological age. Known specific steps that must be made in order to become a mature male or mature female. Spiritual maturity is to be held on time, and this process is subservient to man. People - spiritual beings, and they need to reveal their essence, or, as I say, to discover the sky is not limited to performing religious rituals. However, the spiritual crisis - it is a very delicate matter that affects the deep essence of man. Therefore, we dedicate this issue a separate chapter.
Here we should mention that if a person fails to pass the so-called mental and spiritual birth, then crises would haunt him until retiring from life. For example, is known for forty years of crisis. Some do not even celebrate his fortieth birthday. Long been noted that many people go from living in the forty - forty-two years. This observation is based on actual facts and suggests incomplete mental and spiritual birth. If a person fails to pass the so-called mental and spiritual birth, then crises would haunt him until retiring from life. Observations show that the optimal mental birth must be completed by 25-27 years, and spiritual - to thirty-three.

Observations show that the optimal mental birth must be completed by 25-27 years, and spiritual - to thirty-three. The world loves a man, and thirty-three after the turn gives him seven more years to complete mental birth and to carry out the first steps on the path of spiritual formation. If not, the person picking up the various family problems, social services, up to the biggest crisis - withdrawal from life ...

What determines the maturity of the human

Timely mental and spiritual birth - an event of enormous significance. But many are paying him very little attention. Let's take a deeper look at these processes. In what appears psychic and spiritual maturity? In essence, what is man? For men it is important to understanding their role and development of masculinity. What is a woman? The woman should be aware of the meaning of life and develop femininity. What is the activity? A tool for development of male characteristics. Creativity of women is in the creation of the state of womanhood follow-up of their abilities. The highest realization of men and women lies in their creation. It is particularly important for mental birth deep and wise interaction with race. Mentally mature person should take three steps to his family (see the book Nekrasov "Rod. Family. Man"). Spiritual maturity brings people into a state of wisdom, kind.

A mature person understands what the family, and had formed a clear image of a happy family. A mature person understands the true meaning of parenthood and implement this understanding in their lives. Mentally mature person - an educated and cultured man. High culture permeated all aspects of his life. A spiritual maturity of open sky and the depth of his essence, fills life with love and profound awareness. Maturity opens the possibility of more subtle interactions with your soul. A mature person trusts his instincts. Hobbies and mature human being are developing character. Such a person understands what recreation and entertainment which he needed when, where and with whom ... Maturity opens the possibility of more subtle interactions with your soul. A mature person trusts his instincts.

The social significance of a mature man is becoming increasingly manifest. Its interaction with society harmoniously and efficiently. He understands the need to develop a leading charity ... So, considering all the fragments of life, we can draw a comprehensive portrait of a mentally and spiritually mature men and women. And the more people meet this way, the lower the probability of a crisis in his life.

The scale of the individual

Consider one more as the man who is often caused by personal crises, but also affects the development of global cataclysms. I am referring to the scale of the individual. It is known that the global man copes with the problems much easier than the small man. For a small person, any personal problem grows almost up to global challenges, and he interacts with it head on. Who forehead stronger, and he won. Especially the little man can not cope with the problems of such dimensions that exceed its own scale.

Global people cope with the problems much easier than the small man. For a small person, any personal problem grows almost up to global challenges, and he interacts with it head on. Who forehead stronger, and he won. Often, we see that the states run by people with small scale thinking. Suffering from it and the country itself and its neighbors. People with global minds, a large scale of the person understands the interconnectedness of all events, it is adequate and make the right decisions. He did not turn in on themselves, in their family, their country, and takes its responsibility as a space of the entire Earth. This allows him to be respectful to all people and nations and promptly resolve issues without bringing the matter before the crisis.
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