The best cure for diseases - pofigizm!
Feel better - both mental and physical - will pofigizm. Perhaps the first such "medication" does not inspire confidence in you, but learn about the latest developments and techniques of contemporary philosophers and psychologists, you will find that most of the nihilists, with some exceptions, well able to maintain vitality and not too much complaining about the failing health. Find out how to their health are different types of nihilists. Absolute nihilists worry its own problems, or problems of others. We found that the nature of absolute nihilists does not allow its "loaded" revelations and shared with him the problems. Blithely going with the flow, the absolute nihilists simply does not notice the problems and minor troubles, past which will never go more attentive person, not indifferent to themselves and others.
At first glance, all is well. However, do not forget that we are exposed not only to diseases of the nervous system. Deterioration of physical health are peculiar to us as well as mental disorders. In this plane, and is a weakness of the absolute pofigizma. The fact that the absolute nihilists tend to completely do not care about their health (if you care about - this is not an absolute nihilists in its pure form). Any other person regularly visited by thoughts about how to improve their health: to make a jog in the morning, walk into a gym or pool, sit on a light diet. Absolute nihilists do not care at all, since he is indifferent not only to others but to himself, so his physical condition is poor.
Life without stress - it is something to aspire to the militant nihilists, but not always their life turns out be what they represent it in the ideal. The fact is that, unlike the absolute nihilists who, as we recall, are not interested in no one's (including his) health, violent nihilists able to survive even on the increase of the temperature on half a degree. Such mistrust and excessive attention to itself often hurts militant nihilists. In order to improve their health (although the deterioration in his state of health, it may come up with himself), violent nihilists able to convene a council of physicians due to a simple cold. In short, militant nihilists love to be treated for various diseases (including imaginary), not paying absolutely no attention to the wellbeing of others.
Of course, for taking care of your health violent nihilists can only praise, but they often reach extremes. Herein lies the lack of violent nihilists. The downside is the fact that by ignoring other people's problems, militant nihilists tend to fixate on their own, which ultimately does not bring into their lives composure. However, it should be noted that the militant nihilists do not like taking other people's problems on themselves, thereby maintaining a good state of his nervous system. The ratio of relative nihilists to their health is very complex. As you may recall, the relative nihilists is given a specific goal, which he must achieve at all costs. That enthusiasm helps reduce the stress relative nihilists. While other people are painfully higher prices for gasoline and vodka, the relative nihilists quietly sits in his cell, while studying foreign languages or mastering a new computer program.
Physical health
With regard to physical condition, it is not allowing his soul to be lazy, relative nihilists thus helps to improve their own health. Often during the entire period for which the relative nihilists reaches its target, it produces a kind of "immunity" against the disease. His equally do not care about no viruses, no plague. But in the pursuit of goal attainment relative nihilists completely ignores the health concerns and as a result of a surprise finds a whole set of serious chronic diseases. But I must say it is not too worried about the relative nihilists who rushes to conquer new heights. It would be nice if from time to time with respect to nihilists goal was to care for the health: while in this it would not be matched by other types of nihilists.
Reasonable nihilists most rationally relates to their health. Taking himself as he is, with all the advantages and disadvantages (the latter a reasonable nihilists simply does not notice, although suspect that they are), he pays enough attention to state of health, while being careful not to infringe on the interests and needs of others. For example, a reasonable nihilists will never harass you with endless talk about their illnesses and ailments, because the vision of the world at a reasonable nihilists is characterized by a focus on everything good, healthy and beautiful. Life is a reasonable nihilists flows easily enough. Not focusing their attention on the troubles and failures of small (and so many of them, and they are harassing us!), A reasonable nihilists will not complain about the breakdown. Certifies that in his home medicine cabinet you will not find a single drop of valerian, or sleeping pills because they have no need.
Of course, not every man has this brilliant technique, but for the hidden nihilists sympathize and forget - it's as simple as a speck of dust to shake off from the sleeve of his jacket. And at the same time, mind you, the image of good conversationalist and a man who could sympathize with, remains with him. And do not blame the hidden nihilists in the duplicity and moral deafness: he is by nature, and it does not alter ... And is it worth? After all, so it protects the nerves, without losing contact with others. The ability to "shake off" other people's problems is valuable for everyone. Sympathizing with others, you will at the same time will not suffer from insomnia, for the hundredth time scrolling through the emotional outpourings in his head's best friend. If your sympathies truly, you will not be accused of insincerity.
Most importantly - do not go to extremes. For example, not paying attention to the problem, remember that in relation to their own health pofigizm unacceptable. On the other hand, paying no attention to the problems of others, we should not overly focus on their health, healing from illness invented by you all imaginable and unimaginable ways. Finally, all nihilists encouraged to comply with one rule. Let it become your motto. Say "nevermind Fog" everything that can affect your health, but do not say that you "not care" self health.