The best manifestation of attention - the name of the interlocutor
Imagine that you - is infinitely dear to your heart a person with whom you associate only with good memories, bright hopes and pleasant feelings. Presented? And now think what you primarily want to do when meeting with him? Do you want to, I guess? Probably call it by name. This device is widely used all sorts of pro-American leadership in business communication. They advise: take the name of the interlocutor in conversation as often as possible. The best manifestation of attention - name of the person ! However, all of these recommendations, as though it more precisely to say, mechanical. They are heartless, they do not assume your sincere participation in the interlocutor, but merely give the recipe for the use of certain methods in certain situations. You just force yourself to be outward signs of affection and courtesy to the other party, and the effect is appropriate. Many already feel uneasy from the practice of Dale Carnegie, the alleged acts of mandatory "duty" of interest in hobbies and family problems for your potential customer.
All these practical guidelines to attract beneficial partners do not take into account the main thing - the original orientation to their positive emotions in dealing with people. Our task - initially to protect his psyche from the devastating effects of non-compliance of internal states outside of its manifestations. We need to achieve harmony in all things, and then success will come to us easily. All that is necessary to make a virtue - not for us. Therefore, once again remember the golden rule of communication: first love, cause a liking to his companion at the level of energy flows, and then show it to an external location. Including by mentioning his name. After all, no matter how gentle words nor call a woman, she still prefers to be loved is not a "nice", not "sun" and "beauty". She wants to demonstrate its significance as a gentle and frequent mention of her name only.
A friend of mine indignantly told me a story. Close to her man always called her "lapulya, and she perceived it as an expression of love and tenderness. However, all pleasant emotions instantly vanished when she heard that the same name "lapulya" loved one, it turns out, he called and waitresses, and flight attendants, and in general almost all of the fair sex. "Immediately I lost confidence in him, and soon we all parted." And any person would prefer the Treatment "respectable" or "expensive" sound of his own name. So if you want your sympathy passed on to the other party, and he got rid of nervousness, hostility and tension, - said with a smile of his and only his name!