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The biggest mistake women

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The biggest mistake women

Talking about the wisdom would have been incomplete, if next to it there was no nonsense. There are a number of typical female mistakes. We read books on psychology, studying the methods of exposure to different situations and his men tried to change themselves - and what we find? Not all of us so well and correctly, as we want to show. Sometimes, and quite often, we fall - no, not insanity - but the deep and persistent misconceptions that knocked us from the right course and do not give to achieve the goal that was, it seemed so close ...

Of course, we are accustomed to consider himself infallible, and be honest, not without reason, but ... "For every Wise Man Stumbles" - spoken by ancient and were not so wrong. We also make mistakes. And even more than we can afford to admit that. However, our main female advantage is that once the mistake, we are able to realize their mistakes and try to continue them not to do. I'm talking about the mistakes that we all assume the way to happiness, and that can destroy even the most perfect plan to achieve it.
Thus, the largest women's misconceptions:

The first myth, and the most stupid - made of a vamp, and all the doors before you open. This is complete nonsense. It is this wall, which run across the most active iskatelnitsy new ways to make a happy and successful. Say, you are a woman, both belong to this category? Absolutely. If you are - a compassionate person, then pity, if among your friends someone begins to resemble this type, you will slowly stop calling her a visit, just in case. No doors do not open it, and real men do not fight with women, they act as their guardians, regret, love, love, do not notice or despised.

Yes, and expect it not love, and exotics. And in the service of its expected no success, and holds barred and intrigue. So, of course, you can search of adventure in this role, but count on a career or to the fact that this image is in the heart of the one from whom you expect reciprocal feeling, still not worth it. Although we are told - take an example, be independent, that is how to manage them all, show them all ... Who? And how? And the poor girl began to read books about what primitive brutes all men and it is easy to put on any clip. And believe in this nonsense!

We find the scientific benefits, as from a normal to make an unbeatable Laura Colt. Why? Just be a woman, much nicer and more natural, and it is much more that needed men and herself. I never saw a happy Iron Lady. In the same way as the feminists happy or happy spinster. Excluding the mentally ill. But I know so many who have - at the cost of enormous efforts, biting, scratching, preempting attacks - what seemed to them mostly. Made and deeply unhappy, some do not even understand why.

The second myth is even more dangerous - for the male sex - it's so important that, having learned the correct approach, we can achieve much. This myth is doubly dangerous because it has a considerable element of truth. But to all ... If you want to check out, tell your man that think so, and listen to what he will say to you. Prior to this, just in case, collect his suitcase. In fact, wrong to think of men animals. Although there are cases, but generally not as often as you tell a friend. And in any case, those men themselves do not consider myself.

In truth, the physical compatibility plays a big role, but then tell me why men marry at all - because love is a professional in this case would be much more convenient. Of course, there is a humanoid that can fall into complete dependence. But they are few, and they can not be long to be together. The second, more common category, can rely on, but then see through you. Do not forget that men also read these books and know the women's tricks. Man feels false and does not forgive her. And if he did he took, but then got to the core - then do not expect mercy, and can be two outcomes - or he'll throw, or kick back - namely, severely hurt, and try to make you as soon as painful.

And how, after he insulted the best feelings! A typical example of male resentment - before the wedding she was so passionate, she liked everything, but now she has a headache, she was tired, then offended ... so she pretended to be! And then with all the consequences. And to achieve, of course, be many things. If it's worth it. Sometimes it start to his career. Well, sometimes because these circumstances. But! You can play in bed playing, but did not play the feeling - it is very dangerous.

The third myth - you need to invoke pity and look like a fool. Another stupid. Miserable creature hardly honored with love. And so what about career and say nothing! Forever nagging, cranky, failure - even if you regret, then a short time. And the fact that men like fools, perfect nonsense - they can not stand them. So who can that be? So the chief counsel of the wise women - try to understand yourself, understand what you need to really, and what you want - from the man, from this friend of this work, from family and children, from themselves and from life in general.

Myth four is that once believed in its originality, we are beginning to reassess themselves and underestimate others: around us are insects, and ourselves, we begin to consider women (with a capital letter - I'm not mistaken). "I - A WOMAN" - we say to myself - "so that all doors must be opened in front of me, my desires - run, men are obliged me to admire, and friends - die of envy." Well, where you will lead this way?

Know his own worth - this one, but require others to immediately pay it - is nonsense. It is possible that for them you are not exclusive, as a commodity, which is long overdue discount. Think about your comments on the chic outfits are not very beloved friend - "a little narrowish, but in general, nothing ... in the sense - good." Such a small "tuck umbrella" for its conceit. Like, do not turn up their noses, all we women are good in their own way.

Fifth myth something in common with the second and is exclusively concerned with men: you ignore them completely. Chef tyrant husband - an idiot, a colleague - bumpkin who does not keep up with you and get on your nerves. Well, absolutely no one to rely on! And the recipe for success - "I - my own!" What else to expect from the heroine, and that "galloping horse", and "a burning house? Of course, if anyone else or with someone, then go for it, but better yet, in the team. For example, with my husband ... On this occasion, discuss the case, which happened to Paganini. After the concert, a fan asked - "How to win your attention and love?" To which the maestro replied: "Madam, for this you need to become a Stradivarius violin!" Notice, no conductor and no Zapevalov. "Grenadiers in a skirt" no one likes, usually they are given the nickname "Iron Lady" or "Thunder - women."

Myth of the sixth and last - I shall always be first. Examples of the yellow leader's jersey, you can not stop and fall into anger, when someone tries to jump on you or, God forbid, want to go their separate ways. Criticize and put myself as an example "I - IDEAL" - here's your horse. A wise coach encourages beneficiaries phrase - "Look at me, do like I do better than me!", You are limited to its first part. I sought to teach you good sense, as a perfectly wise woman, our communication on this would be over.

But in fact, modesty is not a vice. An ancient philosopher said, - "I know that I know nothing", and all bowed before his mind. You outdid himself Socrates, arguing the opposite: "I know everything." Your circle of knowledge is immense: from the costumes to politics. Your audience - "impassable stupid" from 3 to 70 years who simply die without your wisdom. Or on your vanity ... to get lost in broad daylight ridiculous zaplutat in a dense forest - forgivable, but nasty. By the way, shouting "Hey!" Begin to fear for their lives and hoping for help. Do you agree? And some do not panic: sit on the stump, and remember some simple ways to guide - the moss on the trunks of trees on the north side, on the southern branch of the thick and the sun in the afternoon tending to the west ...
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