The border is home treatment
Position of the Ascendant treatment with respect to the radical horoscope has a very
importance. It refers to the supreme in the event period. This should take into account
his position in a particular house Radix, and position in the sign (eg, the
Ascendant in Leo influences as well as in the V house). Major events produce the angular
World; the rest should follow the same rules as in the interpretation
radical horoscope and make important conclusions on a single factor.
Meridian is the point of the horoscope that are most relevant, since means
contact with the universal (with the universe). Hence it is clear how important it is in good condition meridian.
Event of the year indicated on diesel fuel in combination with Radix, can not live without
interpret the solarium. In drafting judgments should take into account the profession
environment, planning, marriage and other circumstances of an individual's life. Most
effective treatment of houses are those where the Radix is dominant birth
(More often a person is marked where the dominant birth and relevant
home, than the Ascendant and the sign, where the sun).
Planets that are in the corners of a horoscope, will manage the events and aspects of the horoscope.