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The child does not want to go to kindergarten

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The child does not want to go to kindergarten

The child does not want to go to kindergarten. Please note that it gets him in an unfamiliar environment and the adaptation period can be very different - someone gets used very quickly, others need more time. After the baby is deprived of your presence and is very afraid to stay in unfamiliar surroundings without you. Explain why you are giving it to the garden. Try to instill that you do not to get rid of him, not because he is tired of you, you're tired or you have more important things, and to help him interesting and rich spend their time.

The baby adapt more quickly, require effort and patience. In no case can the power to drag a child into the garden, shouting at him and scaring the fact that you can not take him home if he did not stop crying. Try to keep walking to kindergarten was not for his psychological trauma, but on the contrary, it was a joyous event. It should prepare in advance for this. Coming to the kindergarten, the baby should already have the skills of washing, dressing self, to sit on the potty. Consequently, pre-instilling in him the necessary domestic skills, so he left plenty of time for games and there was no offensive problems associated with the inability to do something yourself. Please give details of the kindergarten, about what a child will be there to do. Be sure to tell that he was already big and you are proud of him, because he can now walk in the garden as you - to work.

If p ebenok not want to go to kindergarten , try to convince him that the garden does not hurt that there are other kids and toys. Can bring his favorite toy, that he was quieter, as a piece of home and all of what he used to, is with him. Do not run away immediately, as should bring the baby. Slowly undress him and the hand was performed in groups, interest him something that the kid was distracted. There are children who for a long time can not be used to garden, scared to go there, resisting, crying. In the group they are hammered into a corner with no one playing, avoid teachers. First of all, try to talk with the child, the cause may be, for him are bad teachers, or hurt other children?
In the garden in the course of communication with kids, like adults, conflicts may result. Most often this occurs because of toys. It can push, to hurt, take away a toy with which he wanted to play. Talk to him and find out the cause, try to fix it, but it does not mean that you urgently need to transfer the baby to other nurseries or garden. Please be patient, proceed slowly, to question him in detail about what he was doing, with whom to play. All this will help him to believe that in kindergarten he will be fine and he can play well before the arrival of my mother with other children.
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