The child must be your way
As parents, we certainly want the child to continue our business. It has successfully made the father of Donald Trump, Fred Trump, Henry Ford, who passed the business to his delirium, which, incidentally, almost ruined. The doctor wants his children to become doctors. The great composer wants his children to become musicians. The banker wants his children to become bankers. Master Feng Shui wants the children to continue his work. In principle, this love for a certain kind of activity sometimes successfully transmitted genetically - the composer Leopold Mozart to his son Wolfgang Amadeus, from the artist Wang Shikyanga - the daughter of Wang Yani, from the grand master of feng fuy Yap Cheng Hai - to his son, from prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi - Rajiv Gandhi to. But statistics says that the family business continues in only 30% of cases!
You know what it says? Yes, it is that as much as 70% of children choose their path, unrelated to the parent road. And why is this happening? The answer is simple, as all ingenious. Your children - it's not you. Once again, every child - a unique creation from a purely individual tendencies, preferences, tastes and talents. He - this is it. You - it's you. That's it! " The child must be your way ! As the mother of two children, I understand that love for children - this is a very delicate sense of requiring some sort of middle ground. Idolize her child, something advising him to take care of it, we should not cross the face of his personal space. I do not mean that corporeal radius of personal space, measured in centimeters: the intimate zone - 15-45cm, personal zone - 46-112cm, social area - 122-360sm, public area - more than 360sm. It is about inner space, more precisely, the inner freedom of the child.
Fortunately, there are many examples where children have successfully implemented themselves in the profession chosen, even against parental persuasion. So did the elder son of the richest financier Warren Buffett, known for his parsimony. His friend, Bill Gates has spent millions on building luxury villas and Buffett still lives in a house purchased in 1958 for 32,000 dollars. Poorer people collect his car a Ferrari, and Buffett rides on the old Lincoln. " Despite the entreaties of his father and his disbelief in the success of farming, the son still bought a farm and do what pleases Him. Warren Buffett wanted to transfer the business to heirs. Ability to make money he inherited from his father, who was famous as a stockbroker. On the question of what state Warren is going to bequeath to children, he replied: "Children should be left so much money that they could do anything, but could do nothing."

Therefore, if, despite your entreaties, and even sometimes strict orders, the child does not like to play the violin, he dreams of figure skating, it is not necessary to stamp feet and make it. What if your child will become famous figure skater? Therefore you should not unduly take care of their children. Love for children, no doubt, a good thing. However, excessive protection of harms and marriage of children. I am deeply convinced that a young family should not live with their parents under one roof, no matter how touching and tender nor were family relationships. It was under these circumstances, there are ridiculous hassle parents and married couples. It starts when parents, accompanied by authoritative rebuke: "We are still older than you are, the longer we live! We know better how to live! So do not argue! "How many times asserted the world that parents need to love from afar. I do not want to offend anyone, but sometimes it is the best option. Quite often the reason for divorce, married moms is in the custody and Papochek on both sides.
Of course, all parents in the world want their children to be happy. In their actions they are guided by good intentions. Do not blame your parents. They probably raised the same pattern. After all, they want best. Therefore, my dear parents, please do not lepite convenient for you baby, listen to his immortal soul. After each child has in his soul such information, which can not be obtained in the process of education in school and family. After all, what is our aim? Of course, in that the maximum allow children to be happy in the way we see it, but as they represent it, the child should have his way . Allow them to find their inner selves. Help them get rid of complexes, reveal your talent, be confident and bold. Help them to be researchers. Thus, the only way we can educate the wizards, champions and millionaires!