The compound of the Sun and Mars
Apparently, is the configuration of the cruelty and violence that are being implemented / if the connection falls on Asc or the middle of the sky one-year card / or undergo. If these two planets have a bad aspect to the natal chart, or if the connection "duplicated" by the presence of Asc-year in the VI or XII natal homes or in the sign of Scorpio, it can be deduced blows, fights, injuries, but this configuration we have always seen the growth of the wave some strong feelings / jealousy, hatred, anger, etc. / merging into action. Very often in CO, corresponding to the dramatic moments of life, she notes, "psychological boil, quickly transforms into sharp conflict. It is often observed in the years prior to tearing and divorce, and suicide attempts. In the VI and XII homes, this compound may correspond to surgical interventions.
The compound of the Sun and Jupiter: raises ambitions, the desire for profit, heightens the sexual instinct. Being affected by Mars, this configuration is dangerous in terms of health / circulatory disorders, abscesses, septicemia, cellulitis, etc. / and predisposes to extremes. Its influence is more favorable in II, X, IV and VIII of the homes than in Asc, where satisfaction is often coexists with reckless euphoria and transient.