The compound of the Sun and planets
Always predicts a deep and sudden upheaval in the life of the subject, the nature of which corresponds to the house where it is located. If the Asc is in Leo, this revolution will subject himself, sometimes without taking into account all possible consequences. If at the time of birth these two planets are in a good aspect, and if they have a good perspective in the SB, their connection to the event predicts a sudden and unexpected, but pleasant, like any happy and unexpected opportunity that has arisen due to good luck . In all other circumstances this would be a bad connection, and this trait of his even more worse, if the natal chart the Sun was in the square to Uranus, or in opposition to it, or if the connection is bad aspects.
The compound of the Sun and Neptune: usually indicates a restless and suspicious environment, leading to a weakening of that stands the house in which it is located. The subject most often live in ambiguous terms, that causes concern, and for good aspects of hope that will not come true.
The compound of the Sun and Pluto: expressed mainly in the trends, more practical and utilitarian than before, and in need of a greater expenditure of energy. Often this is an indication of success, exceeding expectations.