The compound of the Sun with the Moon: a node always forms a significant one-year card. If a connection already existed at the time of birth, then shows them the event will change the destiny of the subject. In other cases, we are talking about some outstanding event of the year. The nature of the zodiacal sign is always shown very strong, and in Aries, this configuration will lead to fighting or to a desire to be free, in Taurus to the relentless pursuit of certain goals, in Gemini to large fluctuations and indecision under the influence of the environment. In Cancer, the subject will be absorbed by family cares, in Leo it will have too high ambitions, and everything is complete disappointment, etc. House points to areas where these major trends will act with the greatest force.
In the II house this struggle, effort, hesitation, family concerns, ambitions, etc. have an impact on the finances, in III in touch with relatives, neighbors, or anything else relating to the values of this house, in the IV to the immovable property or to the parents, etc. If these two lights at the time of birth were in trine, their connection will be very bad, and yet almost always be relevant to the unpleasant facts, for example, in the VII house to the incomplete process, the search for a companion, which is busy businessman / for him is an unpleasant necessity, and at the same time, the only way to save your company / the VIII house for sale property, which was very dear to a subject in the ninth house the subject is forced to leave their homeland, leaving the family, whom he loves.