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The continuous development of human

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The continuous development of human

The presence of inner peace - only one of the conditions of life without crisis. The second prerequisite is the continuous development of man . Development in all its fullness of life. As we have seen, the completeness and harmony depend on the internal state of man. Consequently, and evolution of life begins with the internal development of man himself. The development of the mind, opening the heart, more active and informed use of energy eros. Dynamic internal process defines an active, not knowing of stagnation, and hence the external life crises.

If you decide to become a doctor of sciences, aiming to ensure that conform to this status in all other spheres of life. A man needs to acquire not only professional knowledge but also knowledge about life, not just physical activity but also dance, sing. Not only to attend cultural events, but most do ... so we can guarantee a life without a crisis.

People instinctively feel a need to develop. Something from the depths of pushing us to a permanent new knowledge, to find new emotions, forms of life. This is a natural process taking place from the very essence of man. But many direct deep need for development in any one area, for example in education or work. Suppose a man many years spent working on his doctoral dissertation focused and defended it. And now he's a doctor, "some" of science. But if we dispassionately look at his life, we see that the sphere of life has become a "pear". The doctor has focused on the development of one region, evolving in a single direction. But other areas - health, family relationships, with friends - behind. At some point, the gap becomes critical, is a particular stress: disease, depression, family problems. It is therefore important to develop in all possible directions. And if you decide to become a Ph.D., is trying to make to comply with this status in all other spheres of life.

A man needs to acquire not only professional knowledge but also knowledge about life, not just physical activity but also dance, sing. Not only to attend cultural events, but also to create the most ... The continuous development rights to the fullest of his talents and abilities - a prerequisite of life without crisis. Only harmonious and developing people guarantees a life without a crisis. Manifestations of the crisis in human activities. Identity crisis manifests itself in human activities. Today we meet a lot of people do not realize their potential, not have achieved significant success, regularly entering the complex business and financial situation. In the minds of the people deeply entrenched misconceptions about the work. From childhood, people laid the idea that a person - deeply spiritual being - evolved from monkeys only by labor. The assertion that "labor is made of the monkey man" was not certain. But it is often used as arguments in favor of appeals "to work in the sweat of their brow."
In fact, we often see as work makes a man a monkey! Look at any factory workers, day after day performing the same monotonous job. But after the change - beer, vodka, television, football. In the best case worker to play with children, abandons his wife to the store and deal with your favorite car. And there is no personality development. All the same thing happens in real life engineering and managerial personnel.

The assertion that "labor is made of the monkey man" was not certain. But it is often used as arguments in favor of appeals "to work in the sweat of their brow." In fact, we often see as work makes a man a monkey!

The word "spirituality" to these people or are not familiar, or is perceived as identical to the concept "religion". Therefore, for some church attendance in the religious festival means introduction to spirituality. Communion with nature is the same type, but not developmental in nature. That very many people understand a break from work? "Intelligent" pastime with a fishing rod and an ear for vodka. Departure of "the nature" with a barbecue and, again, with vodka. Many hours of staying on the beach in a horizontal position, and then a beer with vodka ...

Look closely around. We do not see any deep disclosure essence of man, nor a significant increase in culture and spirituality through the work, even if it is directly related to culture and education! At best, the work contributes to intellectual development, and the limited, very specialized. At best, the work contributes to intellectual development, and the limited, very specialized. Look closely around.

 We do not see any deep disclosure essence of man, nor a significant increase in culture and spirituality through the work, even if it is directly related to culture and education! And here is an explicit or implicit degradation occurs everywhere ... Even when the work is directly linked with nature, even in this case the person does not develop his divine essence, and degraded. Look closely at least to the peasants and farmers ... so that labor activities, which for many of the main value of life, turns life into the already mentioned our "pear".
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