The correct principles in sex
Now I will tell you the basic principles that must be followed up in bed. It will take her to the coolest fun. It's about this and not dreaming. And any you want your woman even more. the right principles in sex :
1) I am - an animal! I - a male. I - mad male, I will not stop at anything.
2) I only listen to yourself. I never listen and do not ask what she wants. She does not know! And I know - wants to feel like a woman. And that she can only do a number with a strong male!
3) Safety. The most important thing for me - women's safety. I put on a condom, even if the girl against.
4) Orgasm. I have to finish it (only in the condom). She experiences pleasure from orgasm guy. And the body and consciousness: "He came to me."
5) Her imagination. 80% of the pleasure a woman gets HEAD - consciousness, imagination! Therefore, in the imagination of all should be cool! In the imagination must stay mad male that it takes. After this, the second and third sex can be anything. She had this crush on a few weeks.
6) What does she need. She nuzhet dirty and insanely passionate sex! Between the strong male and romantic she chooses a strong male. Nature!
7) In which case she will enjoy? She did not get to enjoy as long as YOU do not get it!
8) Women's resistance. Her resistance - to warm up guy. One friend of mine strongly resisted. I asked after sex: "I saw what you want? Why was it so kick? "She:" I know that men vozbuzhdet resistance! "
9) I do what I want. I want to strongly press it to yourself - that's right! I want to touch her breasts, much to compress it - too right. All right, what I want! Within the limits of the law, of course:) Although one and said: "I want you to rape me!"
10) I command! A woman loves it when she commanded. And if she resists being punished. Slap her ass if she does not listen, and say: "Behave yourself!"
11) In sex there is no person, there is a female! Respecting the woman as a person in sex, you do not respect her as a woman! Forget that it is personality. One student said:
I had one boss that I was afraid. I'm shy, but remembering that if I'm going to courteous and polite to sex will not come, I just went at it, and threw her violently raped, took her by the tips of the hair. She liked, she wanted it. Then she said she did not think that I - this and that to me it feels like a woman, not boss!
12) A woman wants to be a female. It is important to feel like a woman next to a male! Weak, defenseless, is looked after and that has a strong male. Woman wants to be a slave next to a man.
13) Non-standard location. Women like when they tore the roof! They love the unconventional in sex and sexual play.
How to behave after sex!
One friend with experience, says: "After sex, men ask us different questions. I talk with many of my friends. We often talk about different things. And I'll tell you the most popular men's mistakes, which I've heard. " Common mistake - the men after sex is often demonstrated their lack of confidence in different issues. For example:
1) Are you finished?
Uncertainty. One of my friend replied: "Are not you noticed?" - Showing him stupid questions. The view of the man after this issue is getting worse. Do not ask - it is better to remain silent or say: "I liked it!"
2) You were okay with me? For me this is important!
This is nothing, but still wrong question. The man showed his uncertainty. Better say: "I was with you right." For us women, it is much more important! Or: "I want to tell you frankly - I was with you the best!"
3) What position did you like more?
All questions about sex - are incorrect. Sex - it's something intimate. Do not carry it into the conversation. About sex do not tell them to do. And tell it to your partner if she would raise this issue. She began to respect you more than if you answer her question! So. Now remember, my friend! Whatever happens, everything's cool! Everything is fine! If she was hurt in sex, do not you dare apologize in any case! This you show disrespect to her, and her as a woman. This "hurt" was for you that you enjoyed! And it is important to it.
Apologizing, you seemed to say: "It is a pity that we have not succeeded!" It will hurt more and morally. How to do in this situation? You say: "It was very good with you!" You will show that the pain was worth it. For her, it is important, believe me. After sex, this phrase say anyway. The women in the head is often the question is, how it is appreciated. Therefore, the answer is immediately: "I was very good with you." If this is the first sex - write to her text messages after a few hours: "It's interesting:)" or "You - cool." Only one text messages, not 100! Only one. ONLY ONE!
What if this is the first sex?
From the first sex determines whether the next meeting. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to some rules of the first sex, which contribute to the fact that you meet with a man again. The first sex should be a memorable one. Everyone knows that good sex - a pledge of good relations. How to make a first sex with her unforgettable? Take it as soon as more tightly. The woman, whatever it was, like a strong male. Therefore, the effects on her instincts. Take it tight. The main thing that she could feel your strength. Take your time to initiate women.
No oral sex!
At the first sex I also do not advise you to engage in oral sex. Remember: it is self-indulgence, which is unacceptable at first sex. Forget about them. Oral sex only distract from the first sex. Take it soon. This is important. And the other caresses take after!
Ready - go ahead!
It should not burn out. Take it as soon as a first close contact with her body. You start to kiss her? Yet there was no sex? This kiss should go into the sex. Arouse her fingers and forth. Like a hungry male, who pounced on a long-awaited production, which has long desired. Then there is a passion, a strong, stand in front of which the woman has no chance! She feels the animal in you!
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Women are very much "hooked" on a man who can take it as a pet anywhere, and when he wants it. Women have legs give way before such peasants. They always dream about just such a lover: a passionate, crazy! And the husband they needed a calm and quiet. These qualities can skillfully combine, if you do not want her walking to the left. Take it where there is a possibility: in nature, in the hallway, on the balcony.
In life you can be a gallant man, courteous to a woman, but your inner core - a passionate beast. Imagine that it is inside you. And when you imagine it and look at it or just hang out with her, she's a beast. And when you start to deal with her sex, he climbs out and nothing can stop him.