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The desire of women to beauty

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The desire of women to beauty

Men do not want to know what efforts you are given this delightful look at what sacrifices and suffering you go in order to please our eyes. This information is not for us. And if completely honest - we just sneeze on it. Do not estimate, do not feel a not burst into tears of emotion. It's your problem. We care about the result. Let the process remains a mystery. Most often, and sometimes, fortunately.

Women's desire for beauty is commendable, but do not attract the attention of men in the process. And no need to convert the desire to look well into obsession, which is subject to all of life. That is possible, of course. We do not forbid. But we're annoying. It is simply impossible to listen to endless:

• Oh, I think I recovered.

• I got a wrinkle.

• I have something wrong with her hair.

• What! And so today I ate five calories more than I can afford!

We can, and guess what so perfect that the number of chirps, is trying to attract attention. It will attract. Can be no doubt. But note this will be a minus sign. Sooner or later, you can run into a weary: "But you know you deystvitelnopotolstela.

And if you deny me in sex just because you have a hard mode and you have to go to sleep ... I'd rather let you be flabby body. Live with the sportsman, who takes the form before the Olympic Games - an occupation for the same fanatics. And if that does it all advertised, promoted, placed in the sample, etc. it.p., you want to cry in his voice, with podvyvaniem ... And run, beating hoofs quick shot. Even worse, when a woman can not sit for a minute without getting something they do not:

• correct,
• smooth,

• tint,

• powder,

• wipe,

• shake and so on.

It's okay if you go to lunch without three kilograms of cosmetics on her face. Nothing terrible is that after lunch on the lips no more lipstick. Not a crime against humanity, if you have a little disheveled hair. We do not expect that before we will sit perfect mannequin.

Stunning evening dress for a beer party where he invited you to acquaint with my friends, can really shake all. Permanently and seriously. So, what's more it you will not be invited anywhere. Men are very sensitive to the slightest discrepancy dress environment. And feel free to do so. Dress well does not mean walking around in sables and black silk wherever possible and where not. Cosmetics, in most cases, too good when it is almost negligible. A thick layer of powder, which begins to crack when a woman smiles, evokes the most horrific images of horror films.

Constantly painted lips also transfer much joy - how to kiss? So (statistics) man eats for his life a few kilograms (!) Lipstick. (I'll tell a secret, we are more like meat ...) wants a woman was a bit more affordable. At any time and in any environment. Yes, the man loves his eyes. But what he likes, he wants more, and touch. And how to touch a woman now and then hisses:

• Beware pomnesh dress.

• Do not spoil my hair.

• Well, you have erased all the lipstick.

• Do not snagged stockings.

• Do not be ridiculous, I have ink will flow!

A woman wants to hide the image in a glass case and put on public display. Let connoisseurs get aesthetic pleasure. And most go out to the bunting in jeans and a remarkable sviterochke ... I may be, do not write nice things too. Well, sorry. And if you thought that we carefully hid only admiration for you, you are very wrong. We hide all and all sorts of abominations. (More precisely, do not hide, but simply without advertising.) And the truth is rarely just enjoyable. So try not to be offended. And keep an eye on the bloodthirsty type, which is currently being ugly snores on the couch, too, is not worth it. Who knows, maybe he's one big exception to the rule? ..
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