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The direction of Jupiter to Mars

Articles Contents
 Connection. Tempers and impatience inhibits impulsiveness, can be able to stop in time to admit, it is saving its face, that man was deceived, helps to make concessions, are often more apparent than real, but which nevertheless enhance marital and family relationships. Period favorable for the necessary surgery, can take risks. Trigon. Is of great moderation in all life's actions. Passions appear less stormy. Depending on the age of some of them seem to be extinct. The man, still taking care of their independence and remain the same rebellious, knows how to distinguish the law from the arbitrary power of tyranny, the power of tyranny, freedom from anarchy, inclines to a balanced, impartial, firm and condescending justice. In social terms it is helpful, protection, mercy, but he can not consume himself with his friendship or love. In most passionate circumstances he can keep his head cool. Dating expanding, people can find them in any environment. Financially and professionally, they are useful. Gives a more comfortable home, less difficult and more paid work. Favors for politicians, lawyers, journalists, and more travelers, as well as favorable living and raising a male heir. Brings respectability and peace of mind is often after a struggle. Sextile. Person has to make concessions when it is not very shy. He is polite, primirimee, less moody, in a word, more livable. These constraints are not qualities make him abandon his prerogatives, he is fully aware of its power. Small friendly. Reduces the intensity of the passions, regulates the activity and the restriction of functions, people show more respect for the law. Notes the development of a more serene. Increases comfort. Opposition. Has a love life, especially the good life. With a positive Mars man manifests itself generous and wasteful. This period did not enrich, but to satisfy his needs, he will be able to make money, he would be as active in their work, as well as in its pleasures. In addition, and another he will be given as a whole. This continuous sequence of abuse becomes dangerous after 40 years, it leads to the "belly", apoplexy, dementia. Quadrature. Gives a selfish mood, and engorgement. Makes jealous of their rights and prerogatives and disrespectful to the rights and prerogatives of others, if it is in the interests of the person who is always "pull the blanket over himself." His entourage, family, his house when he had a need to suffer from his jealous and speculative spirit.
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