Connection. Brings young steadiness and prudence. Factor of organization and methodical for the cases marked the house in which the passage occurs. Moderates nerve costs, may mark a marriage with a young partner, support, credit, trust. Helps those who engaged in politics and propaganda. Trigon. In material terms, this factor is rapidly climbing the chosen path. The official, businessman, doctor or a writer a person gains weight in the physical and moral sense, it's something I have in the social and material terms, and his ambition is satisfied. Declines to act sensibly and in all circumstances to remain realistic. Something that can not be achieved one way, strive to reach the other way. All that a man takes in his abilities. Sooner or later, but sooner rather efforts rewarded. Sextile. Improves health and regulates life costs; people enjoy better lives, if necessary, being able to put himself in shape. Awakens awareness in young and highlights their personality. Makes for great ideas and businesses, making a comfortable home life and brings to public life the respect and reverence. Gives the indulgence and kindness without weakness, friendliness without familiarity, useful contacts and profitable cooperation. Small friendly. Gives a happy and comfortable youth often, things are developing normally in the direction of desire and activity. General moral and physical tranquility. Opposition. Spirit of a routine, a conservative, a man with difficulty coming off the beaten path. Critical feeling down, self-confidence increases. People are too lenient to him and underestimate others. Quadrature. Yields tend zakostenet in their habits and make thousands of things that do not like. This is the period during which life can be quiet, but she gloomy and very mediocre, it happens that man is reconciled to the fact that there is. But very often he is suffering from this mediocrity, without doing anything to get out of it, because lacks moral force.