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The direction of Jupiter to Uranus

Articles Contents
 Favorable. Meeting with teaching, the new technique. Foster's gift of inventions. Connection. Helps to develop the highest skills. May arrange to study occultism, the experience or studies of public order. Increases wisdom, conceals from want or can be satisfied with their lot. Scientific, technical or occult teaching, caring about the future and foresight (in the case of good aspects in Radix). In the case of the bad aspects of the area designated by Jupiter, allowed the revolution, is affected by lightning, etc. A person under such influences wins if will go forward and tilting their lives. Trigon. Active and the activity, the person retains the normal rhythm of organic functions, nerve costs do not exceed the possibilities of restoring and human health is satisfactory. This trend is particularly beneficial for those who work for its own account or for those who are working for others in leadership position. Helps to convince their conceptions, and, if necessary, impose them. Sextile. Moderates the frivolity of those who lead in the head and the other allows you to work more profitably for themselves. Professional person is better "selling" their efforts, it is less work for the glory. If he is still looking for her, she all the more valuable that the material is accompanied by satisfaction or financial benefits that would meet the earth, often large, needs. Small friendly. Foster's professional work, makes it less dependent on their nerves, organizes and controls that upset. Unfavorable. Disagreement. Risk of an accident to a child. Operation of the gallbladder. Opposition. Inclines to ease. Man goes to that much. He takes things as they are presented to him. He acts like an ostrich: let it be as it is until you snap the rope. And she burst suddenly. A man looks at things superficially. He is caught in the mirror for the skylarks. It is not without clashes with authority, without professional animosity, no family grudges. With a positive Jupiter general conduct of life more moderately. Nevertheless, health is suffering from difficult-defined disorders, which also stops abruptly as it began: rheumatism, neurosis, etc. Finance experience ebbs and flows. Man can withstand financial difficulties, or adapt to them at the time, while they last. Quadrature. In his youth, vocations and aspirations may prevent the family or a lack of funds and later professional and family responsibilities interfere with work and live according to your taste. The inner life is misleading, a person dreams of adventures and unexpected, and the days are flowing, and sometimes do not bring anything new.
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