Favorable. Period of excitement, intoxication effects. Allows the action to be very successful. Luck helps a lot. Udayuschiesya enterprise assistance abroad (foreigner), promotion, etc. The compound is favorable. Concern about the activities, the tendency to move forward, is favorable in all areas (industry, defense, sports, etc.). The tendency to take risks and to surpass themselves, which is usually crowned with success. The financial plan: extravagance. Earnings from overseas (from the teaching of foreign languages). Raises the trip and gives honor or dignity. Trigon. Brings the activity and strength. Man is capable of great efforts, he spends his strength and is able to spend money wisely. He looks at things broadly, he dared act thoughtfully. It is fortunate speculator who at losses, as well as the winner, showing the same restraint. He owns them, but his ambition furiously. He is conscious by virtue of their funds, so when it is removed from patient, he does not hesitate to use coercive measures to compel to do something or obey themselves. Cricket stimulates self-centeredness, he never finally capitulates, brutal in the fight, he magnanimous after victory. Sextile. Allows you to achieve the goal a continuous effort in one direction. Health, vitality, physical and moral courage to contribute to the work of the ascent and increased benefits. In public life, appeals to confidence and trust shown by others. Loyal friend, good friend, a courageous lover and a loving husband. Makes a great activity and a lot of passion in everything that takes. Man does not do anything halfway, he only given case. With enthusiasm and optimism, he goes straight to the target. Opposition. Not available to regular work activities are carried out in spurts, a person is undecided, lazy, it justifies the adage "when the slackers take the case." In all, he does not know the steps, it is capricious and inconsistent. His sociability subject eclipses, the same thing with his health, often very frustrated, especially in the second half of life. From an early age is necessary to monitor liver and blood circulation, especially venous. Has to wounds because of embarrassment, imprudence, impudence. Quadrature. Life in general is unstable. Man is active, but it lacks the order and organization. He is unwise. He overestimates his abilities. It takes all without preparation. He relies on his instinct or force, to defeat the resistance, flexibility, operates without directly attending to the goal; this behavior for some time to make the weak tremble and his subordinates, but sooner or later at the slightest relief measure to his hand, he becomes the object of their revenge.