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The direction of Mars to Mercury

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 Trigon. Gives good health, the body resists disease, and the flow of forces

due to increased activity recovers quickly. The love of money or the need to spend increases in direct proportion to the ambition, the different cases, a combination of expanding the work and efforts of the less severe with more tangible results. Self-confidence grows, and the cowardice disappears. Sextile. Great physical endurance and greater firmness in decisions, the desire to achieve a may be strong, then the activity is directed exclusively to the target. A man only sees her, he goes around obstacles, he is not looking for fights but when he can not avoid it, he fights loyally and usually ends up imposing its law. Small friendly. Strengthens both physically and mentally. Often declines to podsmeivaniyu and irony without malice. The need to act to implement increases. Person moves from theory to practice. Connection. Gives more courage in any activity, but also more clashes, discussions, and impatience in the implementation of affairs. They are often made quickly and hastily, quickly and badly. Causes nervous depression, muscle sprains, heart arrhythmia. Young has to be overconfident and overestimate their own expense. Period, the rich accidents due to imprudence, impudence or boasting. Makes a touchy and affectionate ribbing. Opposition. Declines in all circumstances to the selfish reflexes. In life, obey their wishes, desires or instincts. Requirements are strong and that they satisfy the means resorted to, are also dangerous to humans, as for the environment. The man did not hesitate to apply the low blows to win difficulties or resistance. Quadrature. Inclines to a sharp candor, but more often to rudeness when it does not suffer from the interest or when disturbed wounded pride, which happens often, since touchiness and vanity are increasing. Behavior is not enough flexibility. Man badly adapted to the circumstances, the heart, feelings, instincts are hard to restrain a person looking for fights, and he finds them.
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