Trigon. This factor is the physical resilience, courage and audacity in combat. In life of man is cruel, but honest. He is faithful to his friends and circumstances. Gives a frank, spontaneous, self-confidence that you can not shake the failure: "do better next time." Open-mindedness, meanness, lying, cheating outraged as injustice and coercion. Sextile. Improves vitality, makes it more resistant to fatigue and illness. In life, people does not complicate things, he should be movements of his heart (they are usually generous, compassionate), or his instincts, he controls the reflexes of healthy self-defense. Small friendly. Allows for greater physical effort and lets get to yourself, if necessary, by force. Connection. Causes clash with authority, father, husband, governor. Compelled to spend themselves, to provide the heart of good and bad control life, to show lack of character. Causes injury, cardiac disorders, bleeding, abrasions. Period, when for the sake of success need to hide their game. Risk of heat stroke or a heart crisis. Disputes and struggles. But it's good for a military career. Opposition. Vivacity to spare. Man uses and abuses his powers. Diseases of the random, painful and short. Health quickly returned to a new decline. Man goes straight to the goal, it is not spun, he was quickly reached, ... or break his neck. His actions instinctively, sometimes generous and unselfish, but usually disastrous for him and the environment. He causes evil, wanting to do good. Quadrature. Instinct takes over the mind. Living expenses and energy costs are significant, and suddenly people "exhausted." After 40 difficult to regain health. As a youth man cocky, jealous and integrity. He did not allow any coercion, it is not disciplined, it is easy vspylyaet, words overtake thoughts ahead of them as often fists or violent means. It hurts, it hurts, morally or physically. When it is positive, makes the sacrifice to fight for those he loves and fight for what is right, without any personal interest in putting his finger between the hammer and the anvil and / or pull out to others, often out of vanity, chestnuts from the fire.