The direction of Neptune to Uranus
Connection. In one way or another area is unusual, sometimes unexplained facts, puts a scandal, the secret tunnel, slander, for moral and physical coercion, great enthusiasm. Unreliable period during which the disturbing thoughts or frustrated mysterious reasons. Trigon. Mental passive qualities are more sensitive. Intelligence, imagination, memory, stimulated this trend. Moral person appears more forgiving and more accommodating, but he knows how to win respect, it will both hard and flexible. He knows his worth. He is sensitive to flattery, but does not allow himself to. He is very concerned with their interests and the interests of those for whom he feels responsible. He knows how to defend them and work to increase them, but he wants as far as possible not to harm others. Make good managers, speculators and the lucky players. Allows you to know comfort, willing and calm to which entitled. Sextile. Improves poor mental state and again gives the "flair" high. It allows them to receive effective treatment, makes rediscover a taste for the life of those who lost it, while others can enjoy it more intensely. Brings greater regularity in the material life, especially smaller surprises. Good luck to change the moral behavior of man, he is more happy and makes others happy. Favors those who want their profession ingenuity, intuition and gives favorable seldom deceiving foreboding. Small friendly. Gives a good moral, healthy, tolerant judgments, happily changing the manner of seeing and feeling, has to savings and helps the parish of comfort and tranquility. Quadrature. Nerve causes depression, fatigue, languor, the moments of despair, physical ailments, more or less reasonable, which drives to inaction or who really need a long rest. Has a show more concerned about himself and more indifferent to others. With a negative Uranus moral mood is getting worse; behavior borders on immorality. If we are talking about how to satisfy their needs or satisfy their passions, a person can lose all self-respect and respect for others. Typically, the mind becomes more elastic and the man finds a good excuse to do evil, be dissolute, lazy and undisciplined.