Connection. Improves the situation, the mental sphere and natural talent. Makes it easy to impress, makes itself heard, favors big business, banks, export-sensitive missions, helping to pull the strings behind the scenes. Trigon. Brings insight, sensitivity and complacency. From an early age a person understands the life and looks at it realistically. Later he can use his experience and make the best of their abilities. Allows you to look at things broadly, without meanness in time. Financial position helps good luck, thinks so, but this is primarily an unconscious perception of the future facts. Sextile. Brings calm and wisdom in the conduct of life. Concept thought out and finally, the most successful, as in common sense and logic there is no shortage. The sensitivity and feelings are growing. Joint life, especially in the second half of life is improving. Dating useful, and material support, when it looking out there. Small friendly. Improves the conditions for prosperity and comfort, prevent the contentment of the soul, makes finding a later age than their hobby. Opposition. Notes premature aging bodies may be a complication of blood. It must also follow the assimilation, the risk of infection and blood poisoning increases. Lacks the fun, feel the need to rest, to make it reach, passes by many things. People seem to believe what he tells, and he plays a naive, he agrees, to say "yes", he refuses to say "no." When the sun is a positive behavior brings him success, and he agreed with everyone, but always arrives just in their understanding. Quadrature. Reduces physical activity and moral stability. Declines in the first half of life to the sensitivity and frivolity. Constant search for pleasures prematurely old and make a man impotent at an early age.